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Careful Wih Dosage You Might Loose Your Mind
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by MSW
Citation:   MSW. "Careful Wih Dosage You Might Loose Your Mind: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp110786)". Sep 24, 2017.

T+ 0:00
4 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 1:30   repeated smoked Cannabis - High THC  
I am a highly experienced psychonaut. In fact, it is probably easier to just list the drugs I haven't done. I have never done heroin, mescaline, nor real PCP, and I have not tried EVERY single research chemical (I have tried at least every type, but there are so many variations!). That’s it; other than that it’s a “name a drug and I have done it!” situation.

I am especially experienced with psychedelics and hallucinogens. LSD, DMT, 25I, DXM, mushrooms, high doses of cannabis, various 2C-x compounds, a multitude of synthetic cannabinoids and psychedelics; I have a good bit of experience with hallucinogens. Throughout all my experiences with these substances, I have always felt in control of my psyche. I had never felt like I couldn’t control my thoughts.

This was not the case in this experience.

At this time I had not tripped in almost a year. My buddy said he had some mushrooms and I jumped on the opportunity! I don’t know what species but they were short and fat. It’s worth mentioning that I really didn’t care for mushrooms at this point. I had done mushrooms many times by this point, but I had never had a really awesome experience. I had only taken doses of 1-2 grams up to now and most of my experiences were just like being really stoned with very slight visuals or no experience at all.

So anyway, onto the experience at hand. It was about 8pm in the summer; the sun was setting. I weighed out a 4 gram dose for myself and a 1.5 gram dose for my wife. We ate the mushrooms and promptly got to setting up all of my flashy tripping toys and black lights. I play Pink Floyd: Pulse Disc 1 for our coming up music.

T+ 1 hour:
Effects are starting to come on. Standard psychedelic visuals with mushroom body load. Seems normal to me. The music has ran out and we begin listening to the 3 hour dubstep mix I made for our trip.

T+ 1.5 hours
Effects seem to be fully established, we smoked one of our 0.5 gram joints of high grade cannabis. Just as in my previous experiences, cannabis dramatically intensifies the effect. We definitely started feeling it!

T+ 2 hours
My wife has sunk into the couch and is unable to move because she is tripping so hard; I feel surprisingly up and active. I smoke some more cannabis and begin playing with all my flashing LEDs and whatnot. It’s fun. It feels like a standard trip. I was happy I had actually taken enough mushrooms to get an effect (I have always been frustrated that the most common natural psychedelic wasn’t to my liking). In our house, the living room is connected to the kitchen in a circular fashion. At this point I am particularly entertained by running around in circles from the living room to the kitchen over and over. It was really trippy. I had colored lights in the can lights in the living room and black lights in the kitchen can lights. It was quite interesting bursting back and forth between crazy rainbow area and black light land!

T+ 3 hours
My wife has come back to reality a little. We are conversing and smoking more cannabis. It was around this time things started to get weird. I smoke about 1/8 gram of kief (isolated cannabis trichomes for those who are unfamiliar – very high THC content).

So I smoked the kief and then I started tripping A LOT harder.
I smoked the kief and then I started tripping A LOT harder.
I guess it was a combination of actually peaking on the psilocybin as well as the large dose of THC. Basically, I lost my $%*#. I started running around like a lunatic. I was literally shouting at my wife about how I was the reincarnation of George Washington and it was my destiny to be the president of the New World Order and rule the world! I also enlightened her to the fact that once I held this office I was going to direct a large asteroid to impact the Earth exactly at the tip of the Great Pyramid while simultaneously detonating all of the world’s nuclear weapons to usher in Earth’s transformation into 5D reality instead of 3D. I’m sure there was more nonsense but I don’t recall specifics. It was like my brain had completely lost its filter and my mouth was just spewing out whatever non-sense my brain could collect into a coherent but delusional thought.

T+ 4 hours
My wife finally got me to calm down and we started watching Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time! If you don’t know already, it is an INCREDIBLY trippy show. I almost can’t believe it’s a children’s show! So we watch that for a while and I get lost in all the pretty colors, funny plot lines, and impressive philosophical insights.

T+ 5-6 hours
My trip was starting to wear off so I smoked more cannabis. I smoked probably about a gram, maybe a little more. Again I am using high grade cannabis. So of course the cannabis revamps my mushroom trip and I start getting crazy again. I put on disc two of Pulse, the live performance of Dark Side of the Moon. I start to get really into it! In my opinion, it is the best album ever written. After engrossing myself in the story of my life that is the song Time, the song Money comes on. The subject matter really triggered the craziness again. I turned up my stereo to full volume; it’s a surround sound system with a 10 inch subwoofer, so it gets pretty loud. I am jamming out; singing and stomping around to the beat.

Once the song ended I was right back to conspiracy theory insanity. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think there is definitely something to some of these theories. From my own experiences, I am nearly 100% positive extraterrestrials have been interacting with our planet for a LONG time and there probably really is a semi-secret global banking cabal which seeks to economically dominate the planet (the New World Order), but the stuff I was saying was just so unfounded and nonsensical. Usually when discussing these subjects I like to keep a healthy skepticism, but now I was just spouting out any old crap thought that came to my mind like it was stone cold fact. I was stomping and jumping around, yelling about my feeling that I was directing huge beams of energy though the Earth and my body and shooting them to various locations on Earth and in the cosmos. Crazy right? My wife got fed up and went to lay down and watch a movie. I continued to be looney for a few more hours.

T+ about 8 hours
The psilocybin has mostly worn off at this point. I am coming back to my senses. I roll another large joint and then make my next uninhibited mistake. I decided I was going to build a programmable LED board to broadcast trippy visuals to. So I ordered like $250 of equipment and supplies online. Weeks later when everything arrived I quickly realized I do not have the technical know-how to complete that project, luckily I now use most of those supplies when teaching my 8th graders the electromagnetic waves unit. That’s right, I am a middle school science teacher ;)

T+ 9-10 hours
The mushrooms pretty much completely worn off and I quickly hop in bed to get to sleep before the sun comes up.

After the trip:
I soon realized that taking that high of a dose of psilocybin made me completely lose my $%*!

I was shocked. I have taken 500ug+ doses of LSD. I have vaporized enough DMT to speak to the entities. I have taken enough 25i-NBOMe to see every observable star in our galaxy in a highly light polluted area. I have done enough DXM to hit the 5th plateau (really probably plateau sigma). My point being, I am very experienced with the altered mind states which come with using psychedelics!

Mushrooms are no joke, and they need to be respected!! Eating magic mushrooms is a great way to trip without using synthetic chemicals, but you really do need to tread lightly and understand how your body reacts to this drug ( I find it to be quite different than all other psychedelics). This trip was the only time that a psychedelic has made me completely lose control of myself. I was straight up crazy for those 8 hours or so!

I have not done mushrooms since. I have done LSD, ALD-52, and 25i-NBOMe since then. All have been positive experiences save for one of the 25i trips, but that’s another story for another time.

I hope this has been an interesting and informative read. Bottom line: give magic mushrooms the respect they deserve!

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 110786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 24, 2017Views: 4,140
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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