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I Had a Fucking Seizure
Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen) & Mushrooms
Citation:   Lord Pesto. "I Had a Fucking Seizure: An Experience with Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen) & Mushrooms (exp110870)". Aug 17, 2017.

2 oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  650 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
  2.5 g oral Mushrooms  
A few days ago I took two 325 mg Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen pills and about 2.5 grams of magic mushrooms. This was my first time taking any psychedelic, and only my second time taking any kind of opiate. I was with my friends and we decided to go to a nearby park so they could smoke up. I couldn’t smoke weed because I just got my nose cauterized and any kind of coughing would just fuck me up. I was a little apprehensive about mixing the drugs, but I brushed off those feelings because I knew I’d have a crazy trip. What I didn’t think about was that it might be the bad kind of crazy.

On the bike ride I felt pretty normal. I don’t think the shrooms had kicked in yet and I found that I rarely felt the hydros by themselves if I was doing anything active. Once we got to the park I was feeling pretty nauseous, but my friends kept telling me that was normal and that it would wear off.

By the time my friends had finished smoking up, I had begun to go off the rails. I was still feeling nauseous, and just about any kind of stimulation was overwhelming. When S and my other friend (who I will call E) would talk to me I would brush them off hoping they would stop talking to me. Suddenly I REALLY had to poop, so I hopped on my bike and booked it to the bathroom.

I had really left my friends in the dust, so they were going top speed to catch up to me. I kept turning around to see them, and I had to do some self talking to convince myself that they weren’t trying to get me in some malicious way. We got to the bathrooms, and at this point I was in full on anxiety mode. Before I went in S warned me not to look in the mirror as that is supposedly the worst mistake you can make while tripping. That of course just made me more anxious for my trip to the bathroom. I went in there and really just SLUMPED onto the toilet. I no longer had to poo, but I had a really intense need to pee. Much to my chagrin, I couldn’t get any pee flow no matter how much I focused and tried to zen mode that shit out. So here I am in this public park bathroom staring at my own limp dick, trying to pee and I am thinking “Wow, this is some shit an addict would do.” I was feeling so shameful and regretful, and thinking about my mom being disappointed in me. FUCK man it was the worst.

Eventually I forced myself to snap out of it, and I gave myself a good Patrick Star style slap on the belly to get up. I walked out to the picnic tables where my friend were, and started to feel extremely light headed. I sat down and immediately the trip intensity increased exponentially. I leaned back against the table and according to S and E, my whole body locked up and my face depicted the most intense pain imaginable.
I leaned back against the table and according to S and E, my whole body locked up and my face depicted the most intense pain imaginable.
Mentally what I felt was this: The whole world was imploding upon me, and every goddamn thing I had ever been anxious about or scared of was coming true all at once. Everything I was perceiving added to the panic. There was some fuckin old people playing a remixed version of a Weeknd song and it was so confusing;I didn’t have the mental capability to comprehend why the beat of the song was faster than I was used to, why the old folks were there, or really anything else in my surroundings.

After about two minutes of this mental mania I leaned forward and puked, which brought me back down to feeling sober. However I later found out I was still high as fuck, I just felt sober by comparison. At that point I was simply happy to be alive. I sincerely thought that I was dying while having that seizure. We headed back to S’s house and it started pouring. I got separated from my friends, but I was determined to get back. To will myself through the rain, I kept chanting to myself “ I’m swimming right now. I’m swimming in the sky’s pool.”

The rest of the trip was pretty good. I felt mentally sharp, but my sense of feeling was numb. It was like experiencing different textures and sensations through another person’s body. Despite the fact that I felt sharp up top, I had no filter and was acting like a total goofball. I was rolling around on the floor and couch a lot, and at one point I fell into a fit of laughter because I had suddenly come to the realization that everything that had happened to me that day was a convoluted joke with no punch line.

I watched a vice documentary called “The Kingdom of the Little People” which tripped me the fuck out. There was so much to comprehend and it overwhelmed my ability to understand anything. First, because it was set in China, I had to recall the concept of China and mull over the cultural and geographical differences between China and the US. Then I got confused when the narrator brought up the ethical conflicts of the park because I hadn’t yet realized it was a theme park that used actual midgets to create his world where all the people lived in 5 foot huts and performed little midget dances all for the purpose of entertainment. At that point I had to wrap my mind around the fact that these people were real people and that they weren’t actually the dwarven characters they displayed themselves as. Then I kept thinking they were all children until the narrator pointed out that the little people had sex with each other, so I had to keep reminding myself they were adults. At that point I began to ponder whether this was ethical or not and I just gave up. It was too much.

Eventually I started to come down, and I felt another seizure coming on. I locked myself in the bathroom to get away from stimulation, and did some deep breathing until the lightheadedness passed. After that I was pretty much sober. Overall I’d say it’s not worth it. A waste of shrooms and not enough good times at the end to justify the seizure and the panic.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110870
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 17, 2017Views: 1,400
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Mushrooms (39) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Difficult Experiences (5)

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