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Not a Good Choice
Lactuca - L. virosa
Citation:   Spanic. "Not a Good Choice: An Experience with Lactuca - L. virosa (exp110877)". Aug 10, 2017.

5 g oral Lactuca - L. virosa (tea)
I searched for a legal and natural painkiller and found that Lactuca Virosa was growing everywhere around my home. I decided to try it. There was many resources where it was said to be a good substitute for opium.

So I took 5g of fresh leaves of the plant at maturity. I made a tea out of it and drank it. Then I began to feel the effects that lasted more than 48 hours : Confusion, heart discomfort, sweating, insomnia, loss of appetite... I don't think it is recreational at all, and not even a valuable painkiller.

My conclusion is that lactusa virosa is a poison.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110877
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 10, 2017Views: 4,900
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Lactuca - L. virosa (340) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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