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The Holygrail
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   diego_gg. "The Holygrail: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (exp111040)". Sep 26, 2017.

4 g oral Syrian Rue
  15 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora
First I want you to know that english is not my first language so be ready for some errors in the report.

I have been tripping for 3 years, acid every week or two DMT, ayahuasca, and weed pretty often. This was far far far far far the most powerful experience, I watched everything and lived everything, very hard to explain but in short I will say that I experienced every possible thing there is in the universe. I can not make emphasis on how much different this experience was in comparison with other kind of psycs.

I went through one million lives and I watched the beginning of the world and the end of it. At the peak I was covered in shit and vomit but nothing mattered because I was everything, very godlike. I was on the limit of staying in the realm of the other existence, I was 1 second away from losing my shit. No amount of LSD or DMT have never ever ever felt that way.

It was the most profound and powerful experience and I am convinced that I found the holy grail of cooking because if I did it anyone can. I am very doubtful of sharing the things I went through because its so unreal.

The trip lasted 5 hours: the first 30 minutes I felt I was in a deep state of meditation.
The next 4 hours I was in a place were nothing makes sense but love, love is the glue that makes our society stick, love is the ultimate drug.

I lived 1 million lives and all over the world in 4 hours, I had dogs, wolfs, kids, I lived in many places, I died, I was born, I watch the stars being born, I watched the universe being born, I watched the end of the universe and I went to nirvana. At many points in my trip I wanted to get out but I knew I coudnīt so I just surrendered my soul and mind to infinity of time and by the time I was out I was pretty sure this was it. This was the mother of all experiences and I was lucky I got out, I felt every emotion and lived through any possibility of life.

I could never tell anyone everything I experienced because I mean it when I say that I live the infinity of time that 4 hours were more like 1 billion years trapped in my head.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 26, 2017Views: 1,067
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Syrian Rue (45), Huasca Combo (269) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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