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The Car Feels Like Animal Technology
LSD, Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   bonerkush420. "The Car Feels Like Animal Technology: An Experience with LSD, Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp111125)". Jun 23, 2018.

T+ 0:00
150 ug oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 3:00 3.5 g oral Mushrooms (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Fuzzy Trip

5:30: T: Me and five great homies drop tabs, some taking smaller doses than others. I had shrooms on hand but did not initially plan to take any.

T+1:00: Minor visuals begin, anticipation of the trip and body load increase. My jaw begins clenching harder and harder as I prepare for the trip.

T+2:00 We go walk around and I smoke a cigarette to calm my anxiety a bit. The come of of acid trips always make me anxious. We walk back to my apartment building and explore every floor. the stairwell feels like portals between worlds and I begin seeing faces all around in the walls and floor.

T+3:00 (MUSHROOM DOSE): As the trip gets more intense I realize I wanted to go deeper. I got out my shrooms and took 3.5gs (pill form) and hopped in the shower. The shower felt so good and I felt myself getting closer to peaking.

T+5:00: Some great shenanigans go on with all my buddies as we get closer to our peak. We bust out a big paper and begin drawing. Dots on the paper looked like ants, marching around. I begin peaking in bed and feel wonderful. I begin thinking hard about what I want to do as a career.

T+6:00: The acid peak has passed but I feel the mushrooms coming on STRONG. My walls begin breathing and my bed feels cozier and cozier. Me and my buddies get really deep talking about the future

T+8:00: We hotbox a car with 2 joints. The weed BLASTS off my mushroom trip. My friends become more and more foreign looking and the car feels like animal technology. Im convinced I have a new sense like touch and taste. After the second joint of boxing I cannot recognize my friends and go back inside and lay down.

T:8:30 I lie down and turn off the lights. The blankets swallow me up and I feel pure bliss. Very very vivid images of people I care about are around me and my face feels very strange. I think really deep about life.

T: 10:00 Im on the come down of both trips. Learned a lot and spent a wonderful time with my friends. My bed still feels ridiculously cozy and I actually fall asleep at about 4:00AM.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111125
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 23, 2018Views: 999
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Cannabis (1), Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3), General (1)

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