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A New Mind
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata
Citation:   FUN GUY. "A New Mind: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (exp11135)". Aug 5, 2019.

7 g oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (dried)
I started out by planning out my day. Just like most journeys to the unknown. I strongly felt the urge to ingest the mushrooms around 3 o'clock, so I could witness the fall of the sun around six. About an hour before the trip I decided to take an hour long weed nap, I didn't want to have a weed high during my trip. I like just feeling the all out effects of the mushroom.
I didn't want to have a weed high during my trip. I like just feeling the all out effects of the mushroom.

I awoke from my nap, and had an incredible urge to ingest the mushrooms, I took out the 1/4 and started to pray with the mushrooms, this gave me the strength to not question the power of the mushroom. I slowly ate the fungus and swallowed it down with some apple juice, for the vitamin c and to help the bitter taste of the stems, the caps had no bitter taste at all. I didn't want to wait for the onset so I put my body under my blanket and listened to some music.

As my body started to tingle and my ego started to fade I saw my vision start to blur and I started to hear a loud buzz or hum. I slowly took the blanket off my head and saw fantastic colors all around the room. As the shrooms intensified I found myself slowly falling off the bed, once on the floor my ego was dead. I was stuck looking at some sort of force. Way too difficult to see and and too intence to find out what is was. I belive it was my spirit of some sort. My mind started to boggle at this time, I had really bad retrospectives on my personality.
I found out later in the trip I was just starting to live.

'Have I been dead all these years, just now alive for the first time' I thought. As the trip started to fade I realized I needed to just be myself, educate my mind to the fullest I thought, get involved in the world.

In this trip I found out its a terrible thing to make the body control the mind, let the mind flow and just take me wherever I go, people like a person that have a beautiful mind. This was far the best trip I have had.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2019Views: 1,067
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90) : General (1), Alone (16)

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