They Are Beautiful Things That Exist
Citation:   Black6. "They Are Beautiful Things That Exist: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp111454)". Aug 24, 2018.

  oral Vitamins / Supplements  
  2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    oral Chocolate (edible / food)
An Amazing Journey, Clockwork Mushroom

Experience start: 8:45am December 2017

Participant consumed non psychoactive mushrooms in addition to juiced fruits and vegetables the previous 2 days including:

Mycelium Suppliments: (5 capsules total per dose daily)
Agarikon, Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Maitake, Cordyceps, Turkey Tails, Royal Sun Blazei, Enokitake, Mesima, Oyster, Artist’s Conk, Oregon Reishi, Amadou, Birch Polypore, Split Gill Polypore, Shitake

Live Mushrooms Consumed:
Nameko, Shitake, Alba Clamshell

Participant consumed ~2.5 G Psylocibin dried mushrooms on an empty stomach with chocolate prior to arrival. This was the participant’s first experience with psychedelics apart from a previous lower almost micro-dose several days earlier in preparation.

Environmental: Quiet rural setting, alpine foothills, approximately 31 degrees F, foggy and burning off
Participant is a 47 year old male with a complex electronic systems and prior military background.

The beginning of the experience was full of an odd, detached anticipation for the participant. During the come-up he described his body/head feeling crowded with little entities in a small sense of confusion. Like a bunch of people on an elevator excited to get about their work but not sure what they exactly need to do and the doors hadn’t opened yet. He gave the impression that it was crowded, but not in an uncomfortable way.

At all points in the activity, the participant remained alert and generally of a normal perception, mobility and presence of mind during the entire experience. The participant alternated between standing, sitting, walking around rough outdoor terrain and later, lying down in a bed for the tail-end.

Participant reported being “called” by the mushroom and perceived a strange feeling of encouragement to consume the psylocibin component beforehand. At point of lift-off a distinct personality/entity became present or more clear, though this entity wasn’t necessarily unknown. The personality was described by the participant as always previously present in life, like one’s conscience or internal dialogue, but the participant had a clearer communication connection to this entity during this experience (spirit guide possibly, or part of self?). The entity was described by the participant as strongly being perceived separate than self in a couple of the answers given, perhaps like passing a conversation through a proxy.
The entity was described by the participant as strongly being perceived separate than self in a couple of the answers given, perhaps like passing a conversation through a proxy.
The “greeting” perceived as a feeling was: “Hello again old friend” as if the relationship spanned many lifetimes. “The perception of this entity’s form or being was like a calm quiet sea, massive, breadth, different type of knowledge -nonhuman maybe, alive in many places including what we may describe as inter-dimensional.” The general feeling of the experience was like a combination of going to a team of engineers to tune things up combined with a sense of military bearing or purposeful professionalism. It all seemed very official to the participant.

First recognition of effects included effects similar to cannabis at early onset. Then the feeling (not the sound – like the memory of the sound or like reading about it) of the ringing of a large deep bell. This progressed to the participant being guided or requested to walk in the woods in a hunting mindset. On the way out the door, the participant described the distinct feeling that the “elevator doors” had opened at this time. The passengers excitedly filed off the car with the positive sentiment of mission-focused anticipation: “OK! Here we go, final checks, board is green, everything is GO… we are running!”, “Then off we went” said the participant.

The impression given over a period of a half hour was starting to seem odd by the participant skulking about the woods in somewhat less than optimal capability. The participant began asking internal questions whether this was delusional. The response was finally understood clearly what was trying to be communicated to the participant: that the mushrooms were tuning his brain to improve hunting skills and he needed to go through the motions to fire that part of the brain. The participant went along with this but remained internally skeptical about the whole idea. During the end of this period, the participant closed their eyes and saw swastika type shapes and the image of a stag’s head on a chevron shield in solid ink block effect, black/dark (not a line drawing) zoom forward into the center of their vision with eyes closed.

After this, the participant smoked cannabis anticipating the effects would be increased. Soon after this looking skywards with the sun shining at the participant’s back and the fog flowing in large shapeless masses, several 2 dimensional overlays were seen in the sky and sunlight. The participant’s field of view with eyes open was an empty-canvas, bluish gray – foggy sky. The overlays were described almost as fine line drawings, wire frame like a blueprint. The first readily apparent overlay was composed of what appeared to be Roman numerals only visible as a lightness in environmental color of a shade or two lighter. At least two visual, 2-dimensional overlays were seen in the participants vision. They covered almost the entire field of vision and moved slowly in opposite directions like sheets of transparency paper slowly being shifted independently. We will describe the previously mentioned overlays as the “background”. These background overlays changed a couple times, but usually was comprised of roman numbers in the same font used on ancient roman buildings, what appeared to be Latin words, and another unknown language that looked similar to Arabic but with more western looking characters. Though each word was difficult to focus on individually, letters were readily clear giving the impression of official Roman Empire building motifs but with more lines of text to be full-visual-field.

The other and distinctly separate overlay was a large ornately carved and precision machined gear occupying the top right of the participant’s vision (in the position of sun glared in the participant’s vision). This gear was also of a wire-frame sort, but was graduated with major and minor tick marks and numbers on it’s flat surface like very beautiful clockwork combined with a compass dial. This gear, suspended solitary in space, rotated in a clockwise direction at a constant, slow speed (approximately 3-5 rpm). This gear as was everything else, incredibly beautiful. The spokes of the gear had leaves engraved into them and kind of a “rococo heavenly steampunk aesthetic” according to the participant.

Either a new overlay was presented or the perspective of the participant changed (refocused) and other overlays or additional imagery came into the participant’s vision from the left side. One item that was unexpected was the entrance of what appeared to be a Pacific Northwest Native Peoples Thunderbird similar to the picture aside but without color and in the same highlight- wire-frame in the sky. The Thunderbird was pictured in the overlay with many additional items, letters, etc.

For a time, the participant was concerned the overlays would disappear, but the entity(s) reassured the participant that this wasn’t going anywhere, and that this (place) was more normal than the participant’s usual reality.

The participant began asking the present (unseen but perceived) entity questions. No response was “heard” per se by the participant but was perceived as a feeling, idea, words, internal dialogue or image presented in their mind’s eye:

Q - Why is there evil in the world?

Answer: (Imagery in mind’s eye– a Yin Yang)

Feelings perceived: There is a constant fight for balance of pressures and energies just as in a balanced ecosystem. Though love and light is ultimately what binds everything together.

Q – There is too much darkness in the world and it’s getting out of hand, we need help. Why the fuck is this allowed to happen? This is not in-balance. People are being murdered by corrupt governments en masse everywhere, the environment is under assault, GMOs, soil depletion, etc...

Answer: We are aware of the current situation and we are already in-process of responding. (you are part of the response it also intended.)

Feelings perceived: This seemed to be stated in a very clinical, matter-of-fact, and strong way followed by what can only be described as a wave of love. The participant felt in a few seconds the multiple dimensions and battle lines that darkness is being fought right now, in a biological or complex systems mathish kind of way – like a fractal but all at once. (participant was moved to tears)

Answer (continued): There are people that have become disconnected from the light. Things can get better if people can connect with this world and one another. Let people know about how the mushroom connects to the light; there are also other ways. The people that are hurting others will come back to the light eventually. It’s all fine. This information needs to be shared and humanity must connect if it wants to make things better. Love binds everything.

Q – (Much profanity had been used in the previous question but was cut for conciseness) Sorry about the swearing. Do you mind?

Answer: No, don’t mind at all. It’s all fine.

Q – (participant didn’t remember the question)

Answer: You are eternal, so are we. We love you. This is what reality really looks like. It’s always here and you can come back any time you like. This is your spiritual home.

Q – (This was a more lengthy conversation compressed into one idea) Can you help me adjust my head to be more understanding and patient?

Answer: feeling of: “Let’s take a look”.

You are a protector/defender for the “light”. Some of your strength is derived from the small amount of “darkness” inside of you use as a tool and power source to do good. If we tinker with that, you may lose some capability you currently have. Do you really want to do that?

Q- No. But can you help me take the edge off of it or help me manage it?

Answer: Sure. OK, How’s this?

Q – Yea, that’s nice (feeling a peaceful confidence and strength as a core feeling).

(5 Minute break)

Participant started feeling an uncomfortable nauseous feeling. Feelings in the participants mind questioned if this is the similar feeling to what fighting to maintain their ego go though (as in ego death).

Answer: Yes, this is the same feeling you would get in an ego-loss but you haven’t taken enough for that this time. All you have to do is give in to it if you’re in that situation, or not. Either way, it’s OK. Everything is OK. (This was very interesting because the participant perceived this statement being stated with such confidence from “over the fence” during his inner doubt. It also turned out to be quite accurate.) Nausea started forming with a dizzy feeling (possibly due to the cannabis). Participant perceived the feeling (not the sound) of alarm klaxons starting to go off and increase in intensity with the internal thought “OK, he’s going down”.

Participant sat on the ground in preparation for possibly being sick. In the participant’s mind’s eye, it seemed the same “channel” the entity was tuned in on also had alarms going off -perceived by the participant as he started feeling sick and sat on the ground outside.

Participant: “Shit, I’m gonna puke aren’t I.”

Answer: “Standby, somethings wrong, we’re adjusting....”

“OK, how’s that?” (and the feeling of nausea was suddenly gone).

Q: “How the fuck are we even communicating? Is this all in my head?"
Q: “How the fuck are we even communicating? Is this all in my head?"

A: (Shortened for brevity) “We are using a component of you/copy to interface with (mind’s eye vision of participant talking to a copy of himself as if he were standing in front of a mirror in an empty black space), you’re talking to a version or compartment of your own mind that is interfaced with us. Essentially, you’re talking to yourself (feeling of a smile). That’s the best way for us to communicate.”

The participant had spent approximately an hour outside and was getting cold. The participant went to lie down on a bed where there was sunlight (sunlight seemed to be key for some of the visuals to show up. Artificial light didn’t seem to work as well).

(There was about a 30 minute break)

Q – What about all these ancient civilizations, monolithic sites, pyramids, etc?

Answer – None (absence of a response or couldn’t hear it)

Q – Where did these symbols come from, is there storage of information here, generational, the Native American symbolism, the iconography?

Answer – None (absence of a response or couldn’t hear it) or (“They are beautiful things that exist”)

The participant lay down in a bed and relaxed trying both closed eyes and open eyes. Open eyes looking at the drywall pattern ceiling enabled the background overlays to come back (having an empty canvas effect) but not the large gear seen outdoors. This time, when closing of the eyes partially, so a little light was visible through the eyelids impressive imagery was witnessed. Though if the participant moved their eyes, or adjusted perspective/focus it also went away. This imagery included full-field-of-vision 3D brass clockwork fly-though – very precise gears, tens of thousands of them all engaged with one another. They were all interconnected and rotating together. The participant described essentially flying into the mechanism as it was working, incredibly complex.

Q – What are all these things?

Answer: They are beautiful things that exist.

Q - Are they inventions or ideas?

Answer: They are beautiful things that exist.

Feeling perceived: The participant didn’t know exactly what to think about this. There became distinctly separate mechanisms slowly floating by but they went by to quickly to properly look them over sufficiently other than to appreciate the complexity and beauty of them.

Once the participant opened their eyes or their eyes lost focus the images would change. “Next were mushrooms in line drawing form, animated from popping out of the ground, mushroom growing, cap opening, gills flowing, etc. Though it wasn’t just a single mushroom, it was thousands of them covering the field of view. This transformed into hills, mountains of mushrooms all growing from pins; growing, opening everything...” The participant was flying forward into this landscape of a forest of growing line-drawn mushrooms covering tall, narrow sinusoidal shaped mountains:

The participant called out to the entity: “The mushrooms are amazing to look at, but I want to see the mycelium network. I really want to understand the network. Show me that!

Answer: The mushrooms are the network.

Feelings perceived: “The mushroom mycelium network is a quantum-entangled, inter-dimensional communications network that spans the globe, kinda like a biological Internet. Information is stored in some areas maybe…” (Note: The participant doesn’t necessarily believe all this, but that was essentially the message)

Participant: I’m not sure I understand. (participant was not able to get a great understanding here).

Then the participant got the vision with cracked eyelids of flying through a thread, like some people describe begins an out-of-body experience, but “just a pinhole in my mind’s eye”. But no OOB happened. The participant had a hard time maintaining that focus to stay in the “vortex thing”. Maybe this was the mycellium network?

Near the end of the experience during the glow phase and while the participant was looking at the ceiling with eyes cracked, a solitary parabola or sinusoidal shaped mushroom made up of fine gray dots with a white background blinked and slowly sparkled on its edges in rainbow colors exactly like some jellyfish do chasing up and down, but very slowly. Then after refocusing the mushroom had its entire surface covered in neatly-arranged copper circuit board traces, also seemingly with signals, rainbow sparkles passing across the traces.

For a long period afterward, mushroom blooming could still be seen with cracked eyelids until they slowly faded away in the next 3 hours. Each mushroom blooming would take approximately 4-5 seconds to go through pin stage to gill fluttering.

Nearing baseline, the participant went back outside. The participant was wearing polarized sunglasses and found that the polarization increased the rainbow effect in the clouds. While the participant was alternating between no optics and polarized optics they saw a form in the clouds open like a cavern illuminated by the shaded sun directly above blazing sunbeams in a truly impressive show in just the normal state. The participant described seeing at first what looked like flowing lava, a forest on a mountainous island in the sky (clouds) that zoomed out to see what looked like a solitary mountainous island panning slowly around and away, but staying in close view with numerous bays, beaches and lagoons covered in what could have been a pine or tropical canopy showered in sunbeams. Shortly after this 15 minute scene faded the participant returned to baseline.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: Aug 24, 2018Views: 4,432
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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