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Alien Street Market and Superstrength
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   tavares oasis. "Alien Street Market and Superstrength: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp111567)". Erowid.org. Apr 29, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111567

  oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
A little background on me, I am not this crazy psychonaut, nor take a lot of substances, before this experience I've only taken LSD two times (150ug and 300 ug) and shrooms also two times (1.5 grams and 2.0 grams). This was that experience that people usually say 'I need to level up my dose and see what happens'.

My mind set for this experience was of trying to make my visuals come to life, as I never got much visuals like people usually have, fractals, see a lot of diferente colors. I heard that having a more spiritual mindset and moving energies would get me more visuals.

About one week before the experience I went to pick some shrooms with my brother, he wanted to have an experience and I know where to get it. So I picked about 75 grams of shrooms, and prepared 50 grams of fresh shroom in a brew. He drank about 2/5 of the total amount (there was about 30 grams brew left), had a mild experience. As for me I didn't have much time to appropriately trip, so I stored it for another few days until I was sure I had the time, the right set and setting.

The experience day.
I wasn't so sure that the tea would still work as in fear of losing it's potency over time in the fridge. So I drank the whole tea expecting to have only a mild experience.

T+ 00:00
I started to meditate and try to equilibrate my energies as I prayed to the gods and spiritual friends to guide me during this experience, during this time I was in my bedroom, with only a notebook screen playing some chakra healing music. This lasted only 10 minutes as my wife disturbed me when a few people arived at my house (her mother, and her cousin's wife). I didn't go out to see them as I knew I was coming up and I was already feeling the effects. My body was starting to feel heavy, I was yawning every two minutes and felt really sleepy, my heart was starting to race a little bit.
My body was starting to feel heavy, I was yawning every two minutes and felt really sleepy, my heart was starting to race a little bit.
So I laid down, held my notebook and started to listen to different kinds of music to calm me down and ground me throughout this comeup.

T+ 00:30
I already felt the effects but I wasn't on the onset yet, my thoughts were speeding up, I could already feel the time dilation, I started to hear a music playing in my head (there was no music playing by this point as my wife asked me to stop the music. In my head I could hear clearly the music Roar from Katy Perry, I don't like pop music, but this is what was playing. So I started to get a little bit anxious and kinda depressed. I tried to watch cartoons like I usually do while on LSD but it was unsucessful as I wasn't understanding what they were saying. So I tried to watch the vídeo clip from the music that I was hearing in my head. It was amazing to watch that vídeo. After this my wife called me to help them to grate some parmesian cheese, I wasn't in the mood to do anything by this point and the trip wasn't so fun. But as I know that by changing the set that you're on, the trip also takes a turn.

I wen't to help them however I was too scared to handle the grater it was too loud and too noisy, I kinda look like I was cutting human bones. So, I stoped and sitted on a wooden chair and just listen to them gossip about other people, this made me really happy and got me in the right mood, so I started to clean with a broom a part of my backyard that was too trashy, this also made me happy and realise that I don't need to be confined in a room to have a nice experience. All this time they didn't notice that I was on something, not even my wife (I told her later and she didn't belive me haha).

T+ 1:30
As I finished clean the backyard I just stood there listened to their conversation and I started to get noticible visuals for the first time, I saw their faces change a little bit, the surrounding were starting to get this bright light energy to the lines that defines the edges of things, however when I looked directly it would dissapear. My wife's face looked funny and I was laughing so naturally while they gossiped about thing and told amusing jokes, one of the best feelings ever. There was no music, just conversation with normal people.

They decided to go to a street Market close to my house. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go, when I already decided that I didn't want to go that sadness struck me again and I changed my mind and decided to go with them. I got inside the car and for a few moments I thought that I was inside a really fun spaceship, with all the sounds, the wind blowing on my face. We arived at the street market and as we walk through it everything sounded alien, I couldn't understand what people were saying, I also had a hard time to know what money meant, as my wife asked me if something was expensive and I wouldn't know the answer. I didn't know what monetary values meant, this also happened on acid. There were a few kids running I thought that they were those ET's that you would see in movies a little green, gray or blue. I saw a few animals meat hanged and it really but really made that street market look even more alien than before.

By this point I didn't recognize my mother in law nor my wife's cousin wife. I only knew who my wife was and that I just needed to follow her. I couldn't remember my name or who I was.
I only knew who my wife was and that I just needed to follow her. I couldn't remember my name or who I was.

T+ 02:45
We got home and everybody else but my wife left. By this point I had no idea or conception of anything but time and space and how to use my robotic body. I felt trapped inside my body. And we still had some chores to do that day, we needed to finish cleaning our backyard and garage as it was filled with large wooden slats and rocks. So, I need to throw those wooden slats away, I wasn't sure if I could ever lift it, but I don't know from where I got this incredible strength lifted it and threw it to the other side of the wall, I did this to every single wooden slat that I would find in my way.

I showered and started a very slow comedown, we ordered pizza and just sat in our bed watching cartoons, this was very pleasant. I wasn't sure if I knew who I was and started to think that I've gone mad permanently, but it would drift away in a few seconds.

I was almost back to baseline and was feeling really sleepy. So I slept the rest of the day (it was about 09.00 pm).

T+18:00 hrs
Felt really good, peaceful, happy, loving, solved a few problems that I had at the time of social anxiety and antisocial manners. Felt a little paranoid I don't know why.

Everyday at night I would be a little paranoid about losing my mind, however felt happy throughout the day.

T+ 1 month
Felt paranoid about my sanity every single day, had a few strange thoughts that I knew that it wasn't mine.

T+45 days
Started working at this UBER call center, got success at my results, got a promotion, got back to normal state of mind, no paranoia.

T+60 days
Did mushrooms again with my friend, 50 fresh grams with lemons and 400 mg of piracetam. This was my last and most intense and crazy trip ever.

NOTES: Throughout the whole paranoid state I kept repeating this sentence that help me to regain control of whatever I thought I lost: 'My mind controls my body not the other way around'. Also read a lot about spiritism, chakras, energys, astral projection.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111567
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 737
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Various (28), General (1)

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