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Positive, if at Times Challenging
by Erny
Citation:   Erny. "Positive, if at Times Challenging: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp111890)". Jun 11, 2018.

2-2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
It was May 5, 2018 the weather was suppose to be around 23 degrees Celsius and sunny all day. I set out at around 3pm to go pick up my friends Mitch and Justin. I realized we were a running a little late on schedule but Mitch and I had been sitting on these shrooms for months now waiting for a nice day to do them. My friend Justin was a last minute addition to our party. I had mentioned to him that Mitch and I were doing them today and he said that he wanted to join. I asked Mitch if it was cool and he said he was alright with it so it was the three of us.

Originally we had planned for it to just be Mitch and myself tripping with our mutual friend Max who we know from work trip sitting us. We hadn't planned this very well though so we pretty much told him that afternoon that we were doing it but Max said he wouldn't be ready till like 6. In my mind six would be way too late to do them because we wouldn't get to the camp site until like 7. At that point we'd be tripping at nighttime in the woods and none of us are very experienced.

I am the most experienced out of the three of us specifically with Mushrooms. I had done 2.5g once before with some friends in our student house. That was a fun time so I went in confident that I wouldn't freak out this time. My other friends have never done shrooms before or any other psychedelic for that matter but have always wanted to.

Anyways I drive and pick my two friends up, we're talking on the drive there about what it's going to be like. Where we were going is a little camping spot that me and an old friend of mine use to go to because it's very scenic and it's like out of the way so no strangers will happen upon us. We get there and make the hike down towards the river where our spot will be, there's a little marshy section that you have to traverse in order to get there.

A little 20-30 minute hike later we arrive at the site and I decide it's now or never. It's already like 4pm at this point so I figured we better get these shrooms down while we still have some daylight. I remember getting a sudden little anxiety spike after I ingested the first piece. It was like 'Oh no, here we go.' But I witnessed my friends all eat their shares and I was kind of hesitant about eating my share.
I witnessed my friends all eat their shares and I was kind of hesitant about eating my share.
But they were looking at me and I didn't want to be 'that guy' that makes these plans then bitches out last second.

I'd say my portion out of the three my friend split up was the largest. I ingested roughly around 2-2.5grams. They were just plain dried mushrooms and we just ate them as is. Don't believe the hype that people say that they're DISGUSTING, cause honestly they just kind of taste like dirt. But I chew all my portion up, we all drink our OJ that Mitch brought. I probably had an apple, a banana, some toast with peanut butter to eat before I came out but that was like two hours prior. So not that much but I still wanted some fuel because of the hiking that's required to even get to our spot.

To keep out minds occupied I figured we should re-construct a firepit that was once there. The campsite got kind of messed up because there was a huge flood during the winter so everything got kind of washed away. But we were joking and bringing stones up from the nearby river and placing them in a little dirt area that I cleared out. It's very tough to describe but it kind of just started with some brain fog, and gradually kind of noticing my thoughts getting kind of jumbled up and it being harder to form sentences.

We got the fire pit set up and we put some sticks in the pit. I brought some paper and a lighter to help get the fire started. For the life of us we couldn't manage to get the fire lit and the more time went on the harder it was for me to concentrate on getting the fire started. I remember I was coming up and finding it hard to concentrate but having a little jolt of enthusiasm to get the fire started but I still couldn't manage.

Soon after this it started to rain. A dribble at first and at one point it was straight coming down. At this point I was definitely feeling high, not like maybe its kicking in but like 'fuck man I'm high.' The shrooms we making me feel realllly mellow and kind of like I wanted to faint almost. I didn't really have too much physical anxiety but I did feel pretty uncomfortable. I kept like zoning out and just staring into the brush ahead of me.

My friends were a little confused because the shrooms seemed to hit me before they really hit my friends at all. We had all agreed on doing 2 grams and we had a total of 7 so after the initial dosing we had some left over. Since I was well into the start of my trip my other two friends decided to polish off the bag.

The rain continued on and off and I was just sitting in my chair zoning out into the distance. My entire body felt very sluggish, as did my mind. Like all I really wanted to do was stare off into the distance. My friend decided though that we ought to head back to the my car due to the rain. Justin and I agreed and we got our things together and set off on the hike back. I enjoyed the walking a little more because it gave my mind something to concentrate on, a definite goal. 'We're going to the car.'

So with determination in hand I lead the way out of the woods and towards the car. My little camping spot is out of the way like I said so there was some bush wacking involved to get out. I remember kind of laughing and having to like re-ground myself every couple of seconds. We got out of the bog section over the main trail and back towards my car through another wooded section.

We came to a little opening beside like a pond, it had stopped raining at this point and it was honestly way too early to head back home. We decided to re-set up camp in this little spot and just chill for a bit. I'd say this is where I really peaked. I'm going to say it was around an hour after eating the mushrooms. My thoughts were racing from one thought to the next, nothing even really deep even. I can't say I had any real visuals but my depth perception was allll messed up. I remember one spot specifically when we were hiking and like the path ahead of me almost looked like it was going upwards and like it was all smushed like it was a 2Dimensional picture or something.

I remember thinking that I was uncomfortable and that I wanted the trip to end.;q I remember I was talking out loud trying to figure out how much longer I was going to be high for but I couldn't for the life of me figure out basic math. I'm not sure how long we were at this second spot for but after a while we decided to pack up and head towards the car again.

I remember being really disoriented walking back and I was familiar with the area but being high I had like no idea where we were heading back. There was a split second of panic because I had thought we'd gotten lost but I had faith in my skewed sense of direction and it eventually led me to the foot of the big gravel hill that lead to my car. The entire time the shrooms made my body feel groggy and sluggish
the shrooms made my body feel groggy and sluggish
. I almost preferred walking though because it kept my mind occupied.

When we inevitably arrived back at the car it was probably only like 6pm at that point. Meaning we were only like 2 hours into our trip, I was still very high when we got in the car but I had evened out a bit at this point. Like I knew I had already peaked so I was thinking 'I'm still disoriented but I can handle this.' We didn't have much to do so I entertained myself with the radio, filming myself on my phone and conversing with my friends. When we were in the car my mood got lifted and I had frequent laughing fits over the dumbest things. I was enjoying myself more at this point but it was kind of claustrophobic in my little car but at least it was warm and not wet.

When we were coming down I got out of the car for a piss and was just taking in the beauty of the sky on the horizon. I felt very calm and happy and the breeze and birds all made the moment feel very peaceful. When I got back to the car I suggested to my friends to go for a walk to kill an hour before it got dark and they agreed.

We were coming down at this point but the high was still hitting us in waves, but much less intense than before . The disorienting, confusing fog had lifted and we were enjoying the scenery. We'd switch back and forth between having laughing fits over things we were talking about and then back down to kind of stoned feeling lows where we were just feeling kind of tired and drained. This whole high wave experience persisted through the entire rest of the trip. I remember at one point my friend was telling us a story. I was feeling very stoned and had trouble concentrating on what he was saying but once again shortly after a giggling energy wave would hit me again.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
After our little hour walk we went back to the car. We were in that car for about 2 hours on the dot, spent most of our trip in there actually. when 9pm came around we all wanted to leave because it was dark, we had run out of water and food pretty much and I anyways was starving. I felt as though it was my responsibility to drive because it was my car but I was honestly still feeling high and wasn't comfortable driving back. My friend Mitch volunteered and we switched seats and after a bit of getting comfortable behind the wheel we were off.

The entire drive home I was really coming down, didn't feel emotional low really just like tired. Like I felt mentally drained and it was hard to make conversation at times, not because I was disoriented but because I felt really stoned. My friends driving was surprisingly good and nothing really sketchy happened on the ride home. I honestly think at that point he was higher than me but I was just feeling so like stoned and out of it that I'd have trouble concentrating behind the wheel. It was definitely a good call though because he got us all home safe.

I felt kind of bad because he dropped Justin off then drove back to my house. I had early mentioned that I'd let him drive my car to his house then I'd be good at that point to drive home from there. But after a while I retracted that statement just because I still felt stoned and out of it. He had about a half hour walk back to his house, but Justin gave him some cold water and I supplied him with an apple and two cereal bars for the trip.

Overall I'd say it was a positive, if at times challenging experience. Would I do it again? I don't know time can only tell.
Would I do it again? I don't know time can only tell.
But for right now my hunger for psychedelic adventure is quenched. I remember having a brief little anxiety wave when I got home and was waiting for some food to heat up in the microwave but I calmed myself down pretty quick.

When I got downstairs though I decided to have a shower and man that felt soooo good. I'm not sure why I don't have more showers man, they're awesome. But yea, no real spiritual insight as of right now I figure. I wanted an adventure though, and that's what I got more or less. From zoning out high in my chair in the pouring rain, to trying to figure out how to get through the bog high. Sitting by the pond extremely disoriented, sitting in the car laughing my ass off and dopely walking around the woods on the come down trying to make sense of it all.

But I can walk away proud of myself because it WAS very disorienting but I handled myself well. filmed a bunch of the trip and watching it back when I was in the throes of a psychedelic experience I actually looked surprisingly calm and mellow. So if I can survive that relatively anxiety free I can do anything else.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 11, 2018Views: 684
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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