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Permanent Vision and Brain Damage
Diphenhydramine, Datura & Scopolamine
by Roy
Citation:   Roy. "Permanent Vision and Brain Damage: An Experience with Diphenhydramine, Datura & Scopolamine (exp112040)". Erowid.org. Jun 29, 2021. erowid.org/exp/112040

50 - 750 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  5 - 10 seeds oral Datura  
    transdermal Scopolamine (patch)
I started using dph a couple of years ago in the form of 50 mg sleep eze tablets. It started off small and I used it to help me sleep but I noticed I would get high off it and started taking bigger doses to get high. Max dose I took was 750 mg. One full pack of sleep eze and one full pack of benadryl.

I was soo frigged up I heard tapping on my bedroom window and I couldn't walk without grabbing hold to something. Next morning I woke and heard a loud knock on the door. The knock on the door is what woke me up lol and when I went to check the door no one was there. I couldn't believe it cause the knock was that surreal it woke me up out of bed. Anyways I decided to give datura inoxia a try reading online about how similar it was to benadryl. I ordered a few packs of seeds online and took 5 for my first try. I felt slight effects and managed to get to sleep on it but it is not a good type of sleep more like the type of sleep you get after getting really drunk and you just black out and can't remember nothing. Ten seeds was the most I took, it gave me a nasty fever and horrible dry mouth. Same with the scopolamine motion sickness patch which I abused for the relaxation it gave me.

I stopped all that after a while same with dph even at low doses cause the side effects are just too brutal and it lingered with me for a long time. I think dph might of gave me some permanent memory problems and the datura and scopolamine gave me some permanent vision problems and nowadays I find it very hard to focus because of it. Also dph would give me this crashed out meth feeling that would stick with me for a nice while. I've done speed before and that feeling I'd get when I would comedown off it is pretty similar to what I would get from dph.

Exp Year: 2016-2018ExpID: 112040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 29, 2021Views: 2,571
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Scopolamine (134), Datura (15), Diphenhydramine (109) : Not Applicable (38), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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