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Figured It Was Worth Another Shot
Lactuca spp.
Citation:   Tinker. "Figured It Was Worth Another Shot: An Experience with Lactuca spp. (exp112959)". Apr 30, 2019.

  oral Lactuca spp. (tea)
  1 cig. smoked Lactuca spp. (dried)
Mildest Opium

Having smoked wild lettuce from a headshop some years previously to no effect, I assumed the claims I'd heard were bunk, that it induced a mild opiate-like high with light euphoria. However, the bag contained only leaves, and I'd since heard from some recent idle internet browsing that the stems were where the good stuff was. Intrigued, I looked at more reputable suppliers of herbs and saw the product images on the websites contained a lot of stems and fibres. I figured it was worth another shot and placed an order with an online health food herb store. When I received the item I made some tea out of it and smoked a badly rolled joint due to the bulky and fiddly stems.

The effects took me completely by surprise: rising notes of mild euphoria, a dreamy heady buzz and a complete sense of wellbeing. I couldn't believe the difference in feeling from what I'd failed to experience before. I've heard this herb can be poisonous in large amounts.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112959
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 1,285
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Lactuca spp. (153) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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