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Still Feeling Some Effects
Mimosa tenuiflora
Citation:   Solar Wind. "Still Feeling Some Effects: An Experience with Mimosa tenuiflora (exp113002)". Apr 4, 2019.

    Mimosa tenuiflora (rootbark)
A Puzzling MHRB Experience

I was looking for my first DMT experience. After reading a report elsewhere by someone who simply soaked 25 grams of MHRB in 250 ml of cold water for two hours, then strained and drank it all, eliciting a 3-wave, two-hour experience he compared to smoking 25-30 mg of DMT crystals, I did the same with 25 grams of MHRB. The solution was dark purple after five hours of soaking in cold water. I refrigerated it for two days, then, being very cautious, mixed 1/4 oz of the infusion with a quarter teaspoon of honey and drank it.

Prior to drinking it, I assessed my mindset and situation as follows:

1. Calm, deliberate, cautious, looking only to see if such a preparation had any effect on me at all, given that all the literature indicated more complicated DMT extraction procedures were necessary.

2. No medications taken. 1.5 cups of coffee ten hours prior to experience.

3. Made sure a trusted person was present to support me in the comfort of my home.

Within 15 minutes, I began to feel effects, a brightness, a heady presence not unlike what I experience with wine but without the alcohol effects, i.e. neuromuscular interference, mood change, cognitive impairment. I expected the 'trip' to be completed inside the 2-hour window described by the other experimenter, but that was not to be. I am writing this fully 18 hours after drinking only 1/4 oz of the infusion and I am still feeling some effects. This leads to the following speculations and considerations.

1. I am highly sensitive to these substances
2. MHRB contains some unknown inhibitor in its raw form that greatly prolongs experience of actives.
3. For whatever reasons, my metabolic pathways are not processing chemical constituents of this solution effectively, thus prolonging the experience and requiring future caution before taking entheogens.
4. The possibility there are active ingredients in MHRB other than DMT and that the experience had less to do with DMT than anticipated.

I retained the MHRB after soaking and will see if a naphtha extraction yields anything.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113002
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 73
Published: Apr 4, 2019Views: 1,295
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