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On My Second Bowl, Feeling Amazing
Citation:   JenniferAngel. "On My Second Bowl, Feeling Amazing: An Experience with Datura (exp113100)". Erowid.org. May 1, 2020. erowid.org/exp/113100

2 bowls smoked Datura
Smoking Datura

I've been reading alot about this plant, and was looking for an alternative to weed, for a more unique experience instead of the cookie cutter style association threaded Marijuana. Here in Rural Ireland; smoking the Datura, Brugmansia, Angel Trumpets, Devils Trumpets, Mandrake, or any of the Tropane alkaloid Containing plants has been a Folk tradition and considered much safer than oral ingestion, due to the heat sensitive alkaloids breaking down. This is still a much debated topic, and it could just be a clearer method of gauging dosage.

One bowl smoked out of my chillum, produces relaxation, euphoria, and great music appreciation enhancement. Right now I'm on my second bowl, feeling amazing sitting out under the stars listening to Matthew Edward Hall's Album. The dreamy sound merges with the surreal clear sky enveloping me and my mind like a warm blanket of the purest peace and purest love so magical, my heart, body, mind, and spirit orgasms and this combination of music, datura, and beauty seems to unlock the door to spiritual experiences for me.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113100
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 1, 2020Views: 1,403
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