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Why Do You Have to Take the Trash Out Right Now?
Citation:   Big-Al-J. "Why Do You Have to Take the Trash Out Right Now?: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp113176)". May 20, 2019.

4 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Tobacco
I've experimented with LSD, dmt, masculine, research chems, mushrooms, stimulants, a lot of weed and opiates in my life. This mushroom experience is the highest I've ever been, as well as the best, most positive psychedelic experience of my life. I hadn't used psychedelics in about 5 years. I had a terrible experience with a research chem and haven't came close to tripping since.

I ate the mush about 1.5 hours after some good food I cooked and a friend came over and ate. We had just hung out, talked about life and watched some Planet Earth 2. Really positive day, I had cleaned my house, done the dishes, removed anything with any hint of danger to it out of my living area (I own a few guns and knives LOL).

Ate the mush with a bit of orange juice, and grabbed a big cigar to go smoke while I came up. Was jamming to the Allman brothers, thinking about the new job I was starting in a New state, thinking about my friends and the good days I had recently. I was in a great place to start tripping.

About an hour of listening to Eat a Peach I began feeling euphoric
I began feeling euphoric
, my neighbor who I've lived next to for over a year made an appearance on her porch, really light conversation and she was really nice. I could feel myself dissociating hard. She went inside to my relief. Lights began having auras and the leaves started to seem like they were pointing towards me and branches on the trees behind my apartment seemed to move closer to me. My trip was beginning. My cigar looked so beautiful and psychedelic during a relight, and was so effortless it seemed like someone was doing it for me. Patterns began on the grass, the trees began geometric patterns like nothing I've ever seen on mushrooms before. The open eye visuals were very vivid, the body high was absolutely insane. I closed my eyes and envisioned a hand coming down from the heavens in rainbow splendor and grinding me into a paste and blowing me through a tube/dart gun something or another into the psychedelic stratosphere. I began thinking of myself as unfit for pronouns when I was thinking of myself, telling myself to be mindful of me and speak of myself without the restriction of language (oh yeah I was tripping fucking face).

I called my best friend laughing hysterically just to tell him about it I laughed and told him about the patterns and remember jokingly saying "this cigar is toast, and so am I" as I tossed the nub. I told him "I have to take this trash out man, I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it though." He said "Why do you have to, take your trash out right now?" And that question nearly broke my brain. Full blown existential observation, I dropped my hand away from my ear thinking as hard as I could "why do I have to take this trash out?"

My friend thought the call dropped, hung up and called me back. Oh hey man what's up? I talked to him while I stumbled around for my keys and shoes. Walked to the dumpster and around the parking lot laughing hysterically because he's my boy and it was all so funny. I remember passing an open house and saying "man they have so many pictures on their wall... And like no furniture" and I think we both nearly peed we were laughing so hard.

I got back inside and said goodbye and tried to turn on Spaceballs, one of my favorite movies. Not sure how far I got into it, I laughed hysterically at everything, my visuals were absolutely peaking. Everything was distorted, breathing, lights flashing and patterns everywhere. I felt like I was in my own private cinema.

I couldnt handle the movie though. I grabbed a yoga mat, turned on Galactic's album "Coolin' Off" some acid jazz/funkadelic heaven, turned my tv off and laid in the floor with a candle burning.

The euphoria was so beyond intense. It was like 10 orgasms a second, just bliss beyond bliss while my mind submerged into a place beyond time and space, a complete flattening of positive and negatives, the good and bad in the world. I thought of myself and the impoverished, the presidents, the students, the scientists, the homeless, the war ravaged peoples of the world as one.
I thought of myself and the impoverished, the presidents, the students, the scientists, the homeless, the war ravaged peoples of the world as one.
No being having any greater worth than another. Pure spirituality and acceptance of all people. I also reminded myself that the police are evil though.

I laid peaking in sublime euphoria with introspection and acceptance of myself and those I've met and hope to meet. I thought of lost love and the hope of finding new love in new places. The closed eye visuals were psychedelic empty space and lucid dreams when I thought of concrete ideas. So vivid and tangible.

Spotify changed into something they "recommended" after the galactic album finished and I snapped out of it when some cheesy acoustic song came on. I was so delirious and shaken by the extreme euphoria and dissociation I had experience. I grabbed my headphones and shoes and took a walk with my soul music playlist rocking. Still deeply in tune with music and the world. Visuals had more or less subsided.

I came back home, finished space balls and ate a few times before bed. Total trip lasted from eating at 8pm, tripping by 915ish and went to bed about 330am with the help of herbal sleep supplement.

Such a beautiful happy time of meditation and extreme euphoria.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113176
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 20, 2019Views: 519
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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