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Reversion Into Sound
Citation:   Junior. "Reversion Into Sound: An Experience with LSD (exp113197)". May 25, 2019.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 cup oral Tea  
It is always a wish of every experiencer to be able to adequately describe a new experience. It makes one appreciate how remarkable the advent of language is and was throughout history. To recreate an experience through sound after the fact is truly fascinating to contemplate. The difficulty of describing something outside of normal experience reinforces this fact. I apologize for the crudeness of this report, I am not among those gifted with that creative force.

I am an experienced lsd user. I don't have an exact count, but I have had many dozens of experiences, in as many different settings. I've had good, and bad trips, l; goofy and enlightening experiences. None however were as intense as my most recent, an unexpectedly high dose on an empty stomach. My usual source of the compound had dried up, and an acquaintance happened to have a different supply. I decided to give it a try. He didn't make mention of the dose, and I didn't ask. This was my mistake. I purchased two tabs, cynically expecting each tab to be dosed at 75-100 micrograms max. My usual dose is what I believe to be 200 micrograms, although one can never know for certain, and I expected this to be no different than usual course of actions.

I woke up early, at 7 am, to dose myself at 8. I had to work that evening at 10pm, and this has always been a sufficient enough timeframe to be normal enough to do a passable job. I made myself a tea, and took the two tabs. Normally, I find that it takes my body about an hour to an hour and a half to process the drug and for the come up to begin. This time, it only took 30 minutes for the beginning stages of the experience to manifest.
This time, it only took 30 minutes for the beginning stages of the experience to manifest.

The beginning was coming quickly and powerfully, significantly moreso than usual. This caused me a great deal of anxiety, as I began to realize I had taken a much larger dose than expected. I've had experience with large doses, but nothing ever felt as overwhelming as this. I became violently sick, and became stuck in a loop of vomiting for almost an hour, before finally being well enough to go back to bed. The only thing tethering me to reality was the horrible nausea, and the fact that I was breathing. All I could do without gagging was hunch over the toilet and breath. The sound of my breath took on an extremely vibrant quality, and made the time sick pass more interestingly. My only other thoughts were of disappointment at myself for jumping into the void haphazardly.

Once the puke loop stopped and I returned to bed, ego death began. I phased in and out of experiencing having a body. For much of the time, there was no other quality to my existence other than what seemed like a pinpoint of energy located somewhere inside the space of my head. I could no longer see this world, nor hear it. Instead, the sensory input came from somewhere else. The pattern, the typical visuality of the lsd experience, came to life and took over all data being sent inward. The shapes moved and spun and interacted in a spatial dimension I could not comprehend. Combined with these shapes were sounds. The sounds came from nowhere in my home. I had no music playing, no sources of white noise. They were part of the visuals. There were strange clicks, hums, vibrations, and other sounds that I cannot describe as I have not heard them before or since. They made sense with the movement of the geometry. In that moment, the only part of me left intact became aware that this was the machine aspect of our universe, the behind the scenes interactions beyond the macro from which all complexity is created. It was all so amazingly digital. In this time, I managed to change my viewpoint to what seemed like looking down at my corporeal body, and it too was only the grey rainbow vibratory geometry like everything else.

The peak began to fade into the plateau, wherein I returned to physicality. It became apparent upon returning to my body that I was rythmically twisting and convulsing in what I can only describe as a 3D manifestation of higher spatial dimensional manipulation. My contortions felt like I was being moved in ways that were physically impossible, but that the movements themselves were only a shadow of that dimension. I also did not feel like I was in control of my movements; I was being puppeteered by some external force. Eventually, I regained control of my body, and returned to the normal habits of an lsd trip. I put on a funkadelic album and zoned out to the sounds, while also deeply shaken by the totality of my experience. The remaining hours of the trip passed as they usually do, and I went to work at 10 pm without issue.

I am pleased with the result of the experience, but I implore anyone who takes a new supply of any drug to always get the most sense of what they should expect vis-à-vis dose. There were moments where I believed my body couldn't take the experience and that I would require hospitalization. Luckily for me I was experienced enough to hang on tight and ride it out. But not everyone will be adequately prepared to dissolve into their vibratory state. Please be wise with these experiences, and only dose yourself this high knowingly and with the full expectation of it being nightmarish and disturbing.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113197
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 25, 2019Views: 888
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LSD (2) : Alone (16), What Was in That? (26), General (1)

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