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Sweet Summer Night
Citation:   breathoflife. "Sweet Summer Night: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp113361)". Oct 25, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1.5 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 0:30 1 g oral Mushrooms
It was a hot summer evening. The sun had started to go down but it was still roasting in my old apartment building. There were several fans on but they were just blowing warm air around rather than doing anything useful. Earlier I had cleaned up my apartment and set my affairs in order as I like to do before my trips as to not have anything nagging on my mind. I had been planning this trip for about a week and I was going to consume 2.5 grams, generally I ingest 3.5 - 4.5 grams but lately I have been experimenting with lower dosages. The come up can be a bit overwhelming for me when I take the entire dose at once so I weighed out 1.5g and set aside 1g for a bit later. As I worked up the courage to eat them I held them in my palm and contemplated the journey I was about to go on.The slightly unpleasant earthy taste hit my tongue as I popped the first dose in my mouth. I chewed on them for about 20m, trying to break them down as much as possible.

I decided to play some video games to pass the time while I came up. While soaking up the heat I sat back and relaxed while chatting with others in game. I could feel my mind starting to expand in strange yet familiar ways as the giggles started to afflict me. Everything was hilarious, I couldn't help myself from sputtering out a guffaw at even the most mundane things.

It was during this time that I finished off the rest of the mushrooms, about 30m after swallowing the first dose. Soon the game became too overwhelming, the colours and effects too stimulating for my morphing mind. I shut it off and jumped into the shower to try and cool off before they really hit. It was here that the visual effects began; The walls were pleasantly breathing in and out, the whole room had been tinted with a nice orange hue, my chest hair was growing and flowing like a majestic African plain. The cool water splashed over me and I was in a fantastic mood, everything felt right. I had an overwhelming urge to stand up as straight as possible and reach to the heavens. There was energy flowing throughout my body as I marveled at the human form. I exited the shower as I just wanted to move and feel the flow of my body, feel my muscles and sinews expanding and contracting, feel everything work in unison as I simply walked from point A to point B. Walking around, doing yoga poses, shadow boxing, I was in awe that something so perfect could come to be and that I was in control of it.

Plopping down on the couch I decided to put on a movie, Blade Runner 2049. I had seen the movie before but I thought the visuals and atmosphere would be enjoyable under my current condition. Looking around my room the visuals persisted, the walls gently moving in and out, the leaves on my plants appeared to be oscillating between growing larger and shrinking, my shag rug blowing in a nonexistent wind. Melting into my couch I feel waves of euphoria wash over me, I close my eyes to drift into the bliss and see some slight CEVs. A spinning lantern like light is followed by a stream of eyes flashing by, the eyes slowly come to a stop and a large one takes up the entire scope of my minds eye. This one is different, I feel the sensation of being watched, like there is another presence in my mind observing me and my life. I feel unsettled and uncomfortable at this looming unknown being and open my eyes, dispelling the feeling. This is something I've momentarily felt in previous trips but perhaps not as strongly as this time. I engross myself in the movie to move on from the feeling and after some time I notice that I'm seeing doubles of all the characters, they seemed very blurry. It kept occurring to me that there must be something wrong with my TV before I remember that I'm high as fuck and have a hearty chuckle. Soon the characters faces are melting, their skin and features slowly sloughing off, probably from the heat in this room. This becomes too distracting so I turn it off and put on some music to cradle me for the remainder of my trip. At this point it has been roughly 3 hours since I ate the first dose.

I decide on some Tool, specifically their Lateralus album which I would recommend to any person who is under the influence. Laying back I soak in the music, seeing Alex Grey-esque visuals in my mind. A purple man with light shining into and out of his forehead sticks out to me, making me feel that humans are a conduit of consciousness and that we play some sort of important role in the universe because of that. Soon "Parabola" came on and the lyric "Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing" continued to echo in my head. I took it to heart and considered how incredible this world that we inhabit is. Things like trees, plants, insects, vehicles, technology, I think about these things that I usually take for granted in life and how unfathomably complex and wondrous they all are. I don't need to visit an alien world I already live in one. I then think about all the terrible things in the world; heart break, pain, disease, corruption, evil. The things that are unequivocally bad but at the same time I think about how amazing this world is that these things can exist in the first place, how insanely lucky I am to be here and able to experience it all instead of being in some timeless void.

Some time later, about 4 hours into the trip, I am laying back and taking it all in when the sensation of being watched returns. I close my eyes and see the eye once again. This time I collect myself and meet its glare head on, I tell myself that I accept whatever will happen to me good or bad. Like stone under the eyes withering gaze I feel mentally strong and determined to challenge this thing. Was it for 5 seconds? 10? an eternity? I lose myself in this staring contest but eventually I sense it letting up. It seems to smile at me, then it flits through different eyes; Human, bird, cat, snake, nameless others in an attempt to shake me. But I am still resolute in my will to meet its gaze and I hear feminine laughter come from it as it settles back on human. I passed its test and it slowly fades away but I feel a sense of loss as it does, like saying farewell to a good friend. Opening my eyes I get an overwhelming sense of inner peace, like I had quelled a storm that had been raging inside of me that I didn't even know existed. I relax and take it all in, the music playing gently in my ears, the warm air caressing my skin, the smell of the sweet summer night.

The days and weeks that followed I felt great, less anxiety, more confidence, more enthusiasm for the things that I enjoyed. I had accepted whatever happens to me good or bad and that stuck with me.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113361
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 25, 2020Views: 492
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Alone (16)

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