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Golf Course Late at Night
Citation:   A.d-m. "Golf Course Late at Night: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp114201)". May 11, 2023.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    oral Chocolate  
I was in high school. 9 years ago. When I had my first mushroom trip/experience. I received 3.5 gram of very tiny connected intact mushrooms. Probably cubensis but I am only realizing this now after looking at pictures and studying mushrooms as a hobby. I remember I had kept them wrapped in the fold-top plastic bag so tight and not looked at them for the first time until moments before taking them. I was amazed at their leathery consistence and even at 17 years old, I respected the power of these mushrooms. I ate 2.5 grams with a fun size chocolate.

Two of my friends (J, T) were in J's basement and they were not going to take mushrooms because there was not enough. They had buds to smoke. We left his house slowly and stood in his side yard for 10 minutes. I decided not to wear glasses and I was looking at the trees sway in the wind and their shadows dancing. That was when I felt 'different'. The feeling was familiar and I appreciated the trees in a way that I always knew the beauty of nature to be, but it was so easily accessed at this time. Everything looked softer like I was touching everything I looked at, even the pink/black sky.

We started to walk to a 18 hole golf course across the street and through some unknown neighbor's yard. Feeling like we were on a mission. It was 12 a.m. Walking/running was very bouncy and jerky in my eyes and my shoes and feet felt slippy slidey on the grass hill. Then, we arrived onto the golf course, far from the eyes of anyone else, and my friends got lit. It was time to toke up. I abstained from smoking because I wanted to experience just the mushrooms to understand their effects.

I was kind of swaying back and forth in a way that I have never done before - to the rhythm of the atmosphere - as they were smoking. It was dark at this corner of the fairway. The night cloaked around my eyes. The golf grass was so soft and lush, provocative. And I was staring at some medium sized pine trees, dancing.

When they were done smoking we moved more towards the middle of the many holes. And it started to hit me hard. I took my shoes off and started running fast back and forth, in circles on the soft grass. My friends saw this and started going wild too, but I wasn't watching them. I was into my trip and was becoming acquainted to the Earth element, The Ground. It felt on the bottoms of my feet in a way that I had never felt the Earth before. It made me euphoric, deep in my loins. The energy of the Earth knew I was communing with the mushrooms and sent this feeling up the veins of my legs to my core. It made me so happy - that I loved the Earth and wanted to embrace it.
The energy of the Earth knew I was communing with the mushrooms and sent this feeling up the veins of my legs to my core. It made me so happy - that I loved the Earth and wanted to embrace it.
I sat down "Indian style" and put my hands flat out in front of me on the golf grass. Bowed my head down and petted the grass. The mushrooms were making me feel like I was bending into the ground and like my legs were folding beneath me under the grass into the soil. This was my favorite sensation of the trip, maybe ever.

Then we walked across a large part of the course. Traveling across great lands. Holding my shoes in my hand. 1 hour and 30 minutes had passed. It was dark, I think day tripping is better, but at night one has privacy. We arrived at a pavilion on the course on a hilltop for the day-time golfers to sit down in. Looking out over the night-time-green high hilly rolling slopes at the large mansion sized golf-house. I was weirded out by the 'fortress' like establishment. I was staring at the outside light bulbs 300 yards away around the golf house and the hallucination made it look so alien. It didn't seem like good people were affiliated with that place. I looked at it for 30 minutes while my friends smoked another bowl or two. I started to get scared, but kept quiet because I didn't want to freak out my friends. I was thinking that we could get into trouble for trespassing on these private grounds. And looking at the lights I thought that they turned into a car's headlights, and I thought a car was there. Plus, it was blurry for I didn't have my glasses!

That feeling subsided when they decided it was time to walk away from the hilltop spot, but I still felt a little weird because I was so young. We were going back to J's house. And I was done with the peak. Slow decent down like an airplane. It was 3 hours since I ate em. At the house, they quickly feel asleep and I watched TV. Three of us in the basement. The TV was a weird 1980s movie, it ruined the moment for me and I got antsy. It kind of made me introspective and I went to the bathroom, wanting the trip to end. And I looked in the mirror, lol!

Then I went downstairs changed the channel, sucked it up, and eventually fell asleep. With a nice body feeling. I was very satisfied with this, my first magic mushroom experience.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 114201
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 11, 2023Views: 395
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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