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Emerald Bird
Citation:   Lucille. "Emerald Bird: An Experience with Datura (exp114581)". Jul 22, 2020.

T+ 0:00
10 seeds oral Datura
  T+ 18:00 10 seeds oral Datura
I have spent most of my life avoiding illicit substances (roman catholic household and all that jazz). That extended to my adult life. My point being - I have no tolerance build up whatsoever. Still, as far as I know from rare instances when I binge, my liver is my strongest asset, since tiny me always managed to drink burly men under the table.

Anyways, I've been experimenting with lucid dreaming for a few years and did some research on microdosing. So one lovely evening I popped 10 Datura stramonium seeds into my mouth (I collected them locally year earlier, I'm a bit of a herbalist). I chewed on them to make sure the seeds just wouldn't pass through me the next day with no effect. Dreams were vivid but nothing crazy enough to delve into. What stood out happened next day.

I received a call from work, that I'm needed, even though I'm on a vacation. I got a bit pissed and wanted to get the most out of the day, so I popped another 10 seeds and went to take a stroll. As I collected herbs I noticed a single precious Datura plant, smelled the gorgeous flowers. All was good and lovely, about an hour after ingesting. I didn't trip, neither did I get tipsy. As I went back I noticed a parrot sitting on a hanging rock. I remembered that my coworker mentioned one escaping from the cage and since we're basically neighbours I thought it must be his bird. So I approach the budgie and notice how beautiful it was. No green or blue in its feathers like in most washed down budgies and a budgie it most certainly was. It was vibrant shiny emerald likes of which I have never seen. Even its feet were emerald. I got close enough to catch it and I am really good at catching birds (being a vet tech and all), but it got away, chirping. I was so incredibly frustrated!

I went back home, sorted through the herbs, but I couldn't get over the escaped bird. I did some research on budgies, wanting to admire them some more. I've always thought they were dull birds. They still are. There's not a single photo of a budgie with the plumage such as the one I saw on that rock. Neither is there a single photo of one with green legs. It's safe to assume the Bird was a hallucination.

To sum up - 20 seeds within 18 hours. No delirium, just a meeting with a beautiful bird.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114581
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jul 22, 2020Views: 1,213
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Datura (15) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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