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The Octopus on Top of the Cell Tower
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Mushrooms
Citation:   Imunkuni!. "The Octopus on Top of the Cell Tower: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Mushrooms (exp114584)". Jul 22, 2020.

32 - 48 g oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (extract)
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
I wish I knew where to begin with this experience so I will explain what happened from the preparation side of this report.

I acquired some san pedro from extraction out of my neighbor's yard when they wernt looking and got around 2-3 pounds of fresh cacti that been growing there for at least 7 years so it was a big cactus with many heads I doubt they noticed it was missing. I took the san pedro and chopped it up into stars and dried it in the oven for 2 and half days at 280 degrees.

After the san pedro is crisp and dried looking like jerky I took it and made it into a powder with a blender or into as much little chunks as I can. After that I saved it in a jar using high proof alcohol and vinegar and let it sit there for a total of 5-7 months because I forgot about it.
I saved it in a jar using high proof alcohol and vinegar and let it sit there for a total of 5-7 months because I forgot about it.

After it sat there I boiled the sludge with some water for about 9 hours then I added a 8th of some weak Ecuadorian mushrooms that I need about 12 grams to feel anything on and I let them simmer with the san pedro before I turn off the heat and let the pot cook before I strain off the plant material from this black tea that I've concocted.

I let this tea sit in the fridge for 3 days till the weekend until I decided to drink it. The taste was awful but not slimy like fresh san pedro it was more a bitter sandy taste that's been juices out of fermented Chinese food all in all not as bad as calea Z tea or my friends mom version of speagatti or my moms meat loaf. I manage to drink it all which was somewhere around 16-24 ozs of tea. Just trying to keep this stuff down and fighting the nausea was a difficult task in itself. It takes me about a half hour to finish off the whole thing and the nausea is not getting any better.

Somewhere around a hour and a half after drinking this mescaline and psilocbin tea the nausea beats me and I have to puke. I hurl the same way you see in movies at the toilet I ran to, nothing but black san pedro and mushroom juice like a hose. I was sure that I what I threw up was all of the tea so I wouldn't feel anything and at the same time it made me kinda glad because I wouldn't be feeling nauseous or any crazy trip now which was kinda a relief when I thought about it because I didnt want to feel so fucked up that I would be sick the rest of the night. But heres the thing I was coming up now and didnt know it. I felt great like taking pure MDMA that causes the overall sense of well being and happiness I was on top of the world. It took me a good second to realize that this was just mescaline because it normally can feel like religious extacy when consumed. This high I was feeling was definitely like MDMA maybe even better.

I try sitting but the room was spinning and the nausea was back but not as strong as before it was honestly manageable and not too annoying or painful. I sit there and see green colors and start brightness consume my version and it was already dark out. It felt like I was being consumed by darkness it wasnt scary or enjoyable but it was intresting the nausea came back and it felt like I blacked out.

Around the 2 the 3 hours when this all took place I completely lost track time and it felt like my body was shooting like a rocket and sinking at the same time but I was seeing things that were probably just my imagination but I saw everything connected through currents of energy electricity, water, information, gases, tides, rivers, animals, trees, mushrooms, music everything is just a current. It's hard to explain to say exactly what I saw because it was in my head but there was a point where I seen lightning rods looking trees in the same formation that you would see almond and tree orchids with a radio cell tower with a giant octopus on top of it looking at all the currents of electricity and information going through this orchid of currents made out of information and he allowed me to plug into him like a usb drive. At this moment everything seemed like it made sense and I knew everything that my thoughts were like connected in some search engine that helped me see the world and my thought with more information and clarity then I ever could before.

This trip was intense and it wasnt quit over yet. After these visuals nausea and speedy religious extacy feeling I get from taking mescaline and mushrooms and normaly being a believer in all this spirituality stuff I really noticed how bullshit and nonsense it can all be and how our imagination can be so strong that it can make people including myself delusional to what's really going around in the world around us. It opened my mind to both possibility that these worlds and ideas we believe in can be both helpful and destructive at the same time it almost made me atheist or on the verge. But this trip definitely showed me that it's ok to have ideas and spirituality like this but maybe it's all made up and we create these ideas to verify ourselves and our delusional worlds that we have with religion. And that people including myself should live in the real world and let the spiritual world take us when it's our time, when it happens naturally. Or the fact that it's ok to have ideas on this stuff but not to devote and waste your time chasing astral fairies and separate realities because life is too short to be wasting all your time in worlds that aren't there. But visiting them from time to time can be very healthy and it can be very unhealthy trying to chase these worlds your whole life.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 114584
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 22, 2020Views: 721
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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