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I Think This Is What Love Feels Like
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by T
Citation:   T. "I Think This Is What Love Feels Like: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp114964)". Jun 3, 2021.

2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
So lately (as of writing this) I'd been doing a bit of psychedelics with some friends, and I finally got to my first shrooms experience.

A close friend and I bought some mushrooms (psilocybe cubensis) from a friend of mine that had been interested in trying them for his first time, but knew a guy and middle-manned me 2 grams of them.

So I wake up at, like, 2 pm (third shift) and get picked up by the two friends previously mentioned, the one that sold them to me (referred to as JoJo [;)] from here on) was driving, and the other friend (referred to as Brad from here on) in the passenger seat.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Sitting in the backseat, I get passed a little zip-loc bag with a couple of mushrooms in it, and I'm munching on them on the way to a nearby state park (Bernheim for my Kentuckians out there). Everything is going well, and it's a phenomenal day outside.

I'll say I finished them at around 3:00 pm, about 20 minutes from said park.

So Brad and I are just talking about how they tasted and felt in our mouths most of the way there, and we all get out and stretch, and then start meandering towards the nearest trail. Unfortunately this area of the park was closing early, so we had to leave by 4.

Jojo is leading us around and were looking at things, and the first distinctive thing I noticed that was interesting was this clearing that had some crazy echo. It was really interesting to hear our voices bouncing around, and this was at roughly 3:40 pm.

We start to head back to the car, and we leave that area in the perfect amount of time. We're driving around, Jojo is going a little too fast just for fun around the winding roads in Bernheim, and eventually we end up at another part of the park with one of these big wooden sculptures, called "The Giants", which had been recently been revealed. Next to this "giant" was a small creek that I had the pleasure of looking at and standing above on a log.

Eventually we leave from there, too, and at this point we are exclusively just driving and listening to some Drum Corps International (like professional marching band, "Metamorph" for those interested). I had brought a notebook and a pen with me, so as I'm nearing the peak I tried to write something down, and it was:

"god shows himself in many mysterious ways.
Be it the bright sun touching the landscape or the true..."

Now I'm an atheist, and I was referring to god as more of the universe, but I never finished the thought, as the words lifted up and filled my vision. It was really beautiful, and I felt so, so happy. I'd been recently talking to an ex again (together again now, but that's unrelated), and I sent her the titular quote, "I think this is what love feels like".

After that peak (roughly 4:30 pm) I had a pretty normal comedown (lasting until 6-ish, afterglow remained for a while longer, feeling very happy and excited to share the knowledge I had gained from the experience.

Overall, I had an amazing time! The hardest part was eating them, and even then I kind of enjoyed it.

Safe tripping!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114964
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 461
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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