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Massive Time Expansion
Citation:   North. "Massive Time Expansion: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp11535)". Jul 8, 2019.

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3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
First Mushroom Trip

I do drugs very rarely, I have smoked pot 3 times in the last 2 years.

and wanted to try mushrooms

I CAN'T BELEIVE 6 hours, 6 bloody hours it felt like 50 hours

1:00 munched all of them 3.5 grams
1:20 leg twiched (felt wierd, prob nothing)
1:30 dirt on the wall, took shap, looked like wall was folded, wrinkles like in a bed sheet
1:30 descided to go for a walk
got outside
and wow

the snow
the dark parts of the snow were floating above the rest of the snow (like a fog)
the lines in the snow, looked like the growd was being folded.
places where there were no gravel on the road, looked like glowing somethings

(nothing that wasn't there, just different persception of what was there

2:00-3:00 wandered around the streat, waching the road felt like I walked 20 miles, felt like 6 hours

started seing dark (starbursts) like fireworks in the sky
like clowds of birst, but more like black fireworks. (periferal visions messed up

showed up at mall (BIG MISTAKE)
went down by the washrooms, sat just outside, looked at hand.
the skin on my hand was being streched so I could see it skelital.. like the hand of an old man, or something, seing wavy lines (worms under the skin. but I didn't panic

went into washroom looked in mirror (BIG MISTAKE)
I looked very very very messed up
I lef, I sat down for a few, talked to my mush buddy (baby sitter)
descided to go see lord of the rings

sold out
wandered the mall for a while (big mistake)
came across anbother friend, talked for a few min (big mistake)
I was soo spaced out, I could hardly talk (not looking forward to explaining myself back at school.

went into zellers to play on the game cube
felt like we were ther 3 hours, we were only there 15 min
walked by to my friends place, burnt out, thought it was over
walked over to my X's place (still friends)
and I came up on a 2nd wave, she was not happy
I sat there and finly started thingking again at about 6:00

so I munched at 1:00 and was compleatly screwed till 6:00 ok by 7
and went to the bar at 7 to hang with friends, nobody could tell after 6:00.

but 1:00-7:00 MASSIVE TIME EXPANSION 6 hours felt like a week.
wached someone smoke a sig. it took like 2 hours
walked like 1 block, took like 3 hours

I can't believe I talked to someone I knew, I can't believe how spaced out I was.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2019Views: 91
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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