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Lick Up the Powder
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Reekis. "Lick Up the Powder: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp115476)". May 4, 2021.

1.17 g oral Mushrooms
    repeated smoked Cannabis
Lick Up the Mushroom Powder

This all took place at my friend’s house while his parents were away for the weekend. First we divided up the 1/8 three ways for me and my two other friends. The 4th friend played stoned sitter.

Once it was divided, I crushed mine into a powder on a kitchen countertop. I then licked it up like a dog with peanut butter, feeling a bit nervous but excited about my first psychedelic plunge. Then we all went down to the basement to smoke my buddy’s dad’s secret weed stash. While passing around the bowl, my buddies commented on how huge my pupils were. Good I thought, this is working and I feel positive so far about it. Then we went back upstairs in the living room.

Probably like 15 minutes passed since I first consumed shrooms and I decided to just grab a pillow and sit on the floor Indian style, waiting for it to kick in.

No more than 15 minutes later I began to feel the strong effect of gravity pulling me to the floor. I felt extremely cozy and i felt somewhat stuck to the floor at this point. I looked over at the lamp and the light was gloriously bright. I felt happy. The sitter said he was going to go get some ice cream. When he came back into the living room he says “bet this ice cream looks delicious reekis” and when I laid eyes upon that ice cream it was amazing. Whip cream and cherries on top and all I can say is that the ice cream glowed with beauty and the colors were extremely vibrant. I wanted to eat some. To this day I don’t know why I didn’t. Then my buddy decided to put on the vampire weekend album “vampire weekend”. The music vibrated through my soul and it was profoundly incredible sounding. I still love that album to this day.

Now for the more cerebral part of the trip. When I looked at my buddy also sitting down on the floor next to me I was amazed by his facial bone structure. I remember we both looking at each other saying how amazing this experience was so far and we just decided to do the sickest bro high five you can imagine. 2 skeletons doing high fives I thought is f’ing the shit (I was very intrigued by bones at the moment). I then had this even stranger experience which was likely my peak. I looked over at the sitter and he was lying down on the couch but what I saw was him being an extension of the couch; him and the couch were inseparable but his mind was like this protruding dimension on the outside of it. Very weird but cool. The third interesting experience I had was while my buddies were having a conversation. I felt like it was nearly predestined when people were supposed to talk/listen during all our exchanges.
I felt like it was nearly predestined when people were supposed to talk/listen during all our exchanges.
It was like the perception of social convention on a super deep level. I knew exactly when to speak and when not to speak. Everything flowed between us very harmoniously and saw a lot of order in it. Not like in real life when I find myself trying to get a word in instead of listening to someone completely.

Anyways, a lot of bowls of green were being passed around at this time as well but I didn’t feel the weed at all. I found this bizarre because usually when I smoke this home grown shit I’m high as balls off of one bowl. Many hours seemed to pass by like minutes passing by. Before I knew it people were heading to bed and I was thinking already? I was still wide awake and wanting to experience more. One of my friends slept in the living room area with me and I just decided I would try to get some sleep too since everyone else was tuckered out.

When my buddy shut off all the lights I started to experience the darker side of mushrooms. My blanket kept wrapping around my legs like some sort of snake. This happened several times and freaked me out even though I knew it was just a hallucination. I decided to just walk home since I didn’t live very far away and it was nearly morning anyway. At this point I felt pretty sober and never ended up sleeping. I even went to work at 2pm without calling off. I worked in a produce section at a grocery store and I remember the fruits and vegetables glowing a little brighter that work day.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 115476
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 4, 2021Views: 336
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Mushrooms (39) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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