Arms and Chest Were 'Hot' and Ears Were Ringing
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   myrbnj. "Arms and Chest Were 'Hot' and Ears Were Ringing: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp115789)". Sep 25, 2021.

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50 - 100 mg oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Has Mushroom Microdose Lead to Tinnitus?

My sudden onset of tinnitus associated with timeline of experimentation w/ P.C. microdosing, but is also associated with other factors. I'm not blaming PC, but I leave it here just in case other people have a similar experience.

Timeline starts just before my experimentation to present related potential causes:

August - Started growing P.C. mushrooms

8/5 - Visited neurologist regarding physical aches. Neurologist indicated it might be Multiple Sclerosis.

8/7 - 8/16 (uncertain) - Had experience of very mild tinnitus in bed and remember thinking "I'm glad it's not bad like some folks. This is nothing." Forgot all about this.

~8/15 - Had mild panic attack thinking about Multiple Sclerosis symptom.

~8/16 - Had contrast dye MRI and headache the following day.

~8/17 - Doctor reviewed MRI and told me I don't have Multiple Sclerosis. Yay.

~8/22 - First flush of P.C. came in.

~8/25 - I ate bits and pieces off of the mushrooms as I tended to them, but only tiny amounts. I would guess that if dried they would add up to about 0.05g (yes, note the zero after the decimal). The following day was fine, but the next day I was a bit paranoid and started feeling pains in my back that I associated w/ kidney injury. My tinnitus had started up a bit. I asked a friend who gave me the P.C. liquid culture and he said that he'd taken 2.5g w/ no ill effect, and plenty of good effect and expected effect from taking P.C. Gave a bit to my wife and she seemed to have a "good day" afterward and no noticeable other effect.

9/4 9:30PM - Ate carefully measured 0.06g. ~2:00AM woke up and arms and chest were "hot" and ears were ringing. Went back to sleep.

9/5 Paranoia, back pain, and ears ringing. Was doing plenty of internet searches.

9/6 Similar. Tinnitus would come when someone yelled. Hyperacusis noticed for the first time. (When I peed it sounded like BBs hitting the porcelain.)

9/7 - 9/11 Vacation w/ family. Lots of hiking. Ears ringing at the beginning of the week associated w/ stress. Toward the end of the week ears ringing was persistent. I figured out back pain was not kidneys buy was my Lipomas (benign fatty tumor).

night of 9/10 Panic attack in bed. Cold sweats. Shivers.

9/11 Holding in anxiety all morning.

9/13 - First day of work. Hyperacusis of my own voice. Difficulty concentrating. Tinnitus. Tremendous abstract nightmare of being a tinnitus sound alone in the universe.

9/14 - Using masking for Tinnitus. Better day except for very bad anxiety at dinner. Called parents and confessed. They were very understanding. This was a great relief.

9/15 - Much relieved after talk w/ parents. Mindfulness of Tinnitus. It's not going away but I'm becoming accustomed to the constant sound. But I'm standing at my laptop at 3AM because the Tinnitus is keeping me awake. So that's the next thing to conquer.

So we have P.C. microdose associated with onset of Tinnitus, but obviously lots of other confounding factors - some non-recent history of Tinnitus, fear of Multiple Sclerosis, panic and anxiety that seem correlated w/ microdosing but could be from the idea of microdosing rather than the actual consumption. Feelings of guilt about "messing myself up" somehow. And then the ~0.1g of P.C. Maybe all of it caused my condition, but here I am. This is a data point.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115789
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 25, 2021Views: 25
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Endogenous (86) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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