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A Run In the Woods
Citation:   Ringtooth0019. "A Run In the Woods: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp115907)". Jan 18, 2022.

  oral Mushrooms (dried)
This was my first experience with psilocybin although I have used very low doses of other hallucinogenic substances in the past.

12:20 AM - Ingested an unknown amount of stalks (friend said it was 3gs but I doubt it judging by the effects I felt) and chased it with ginger beer, laid down on my bed sideways, and watched Ted. My two friends with me were on the couch in front of my bed.

12:40 AM - I started feeling stoned, typing was hard but not impossible, and my body felt heavy. Moving my hands in front of my face, it looked like they’re moving in vaguely stop motion or like I have some weird kind of motion blur.

1:00 AM - Got up and started moving around erratically, couldn’t hold it in, felt like convulsions, but not painful. Paced around my room moving my arms constantly, felt like an electrical current was peacefully zooming around my upper body.
Paced around my room moving my arms constantly, felt like an electrical current was peacefully zooming around my upper body.

1:10 AM - Went outside to the woods. Walked in there and without any light I was able to guide myself to the open area. The blackness looked like blue and red static. I started to get the idea that there was another presence in the darkness. I started freaking out and panicking a bit but my friend calmed me down.

1:20 AM - Walked to the other side of the woods to a giant cross I built a year or two ago that lay next to a marsh. The cross was between three trees that were naturally arranged like a triangle, and we spiraled into having a conversation about how trees only help us and we humans keep fucking them over time and time again. Then one of my friends said it's just a part of the circle of life because eventually “animals will eat the trees” and me and my other friend started laughing uncontrollably. I was gasping for breath by the end and my other friend threw up next to the cross. He was laughing so hard. We then kinda sat around for a while then left.

1:30 AM - We walked back to the other side of the woods. Looking down as I was walking, as to not fall, I kept seeing plants beneath me even as there weren’t any. One of my friends pulled out his flashlight and I told him not to, so we kept walking in the dark.

1:40 AM - We arrived back where we began, one of my friends laid down on the ground and basically turned into a vegetable. I walked away on my own to the other side of the woods because I wanted to “talk to Jesus”. So I walked by myself (terrible idea I know) to the other side of the woods, I plugged my ears, and sat down, putting my flannel down as a blanket. It started to rain. I closed my eyes and tried to channel all of my fragmented mind energy into communicating with this multidimensional being... Aaaaand nothing came of it. Turns out I wasn’t tripping THAT hard. After like probably only five minutes or so I stood back up and started walking back.

1:50 AM - I started to get paranoid because I couldn’t remember where my friends were and I didn’t have my phone. I started yelling “Jesus couldn't talk, he was hung up on something!” As I followed the trail back to where I thought we came from, I kept seeing these white faces with these conical hats peeking out from behind the trees. I broke into a sprint, running full paced through the bumpy trails, tripping over stumps and branches every now and again. I turned a corner and saw a blinding light, unable to stop myself, I ran straight into it. Turns out it was my friend and he was holding his flashlight, on the ground, frightened. He told me he was going to take a piss and got lost so he pulled out his light then saw me charging right at him.

2:00 AM - Me and my friend walked back to my other friend who was still laying on the ground, apparently tripping hard and not moving at all. It was now pouring hard, and all I had was a thin flannel which didn’t cover my head. Suddenly I got a huge rush of energy and picked up a stick, poking him hard and telling him if he didn’t get up now we’d move him ourselves. So I picked the kid up by his shoes and my other friend picked him up by his head. My muscles felt numb and incredibly strong at the same time, we dropped him.

2:10 AM - My friend eventually got up on his own and we walked back inside, changed forever. The curtains on the sliding door were moving very slightly and as we approached the door my anxiety began to mount as I somehow got the impression it would be locked even though we were the last ones out. The last thing we wanted to be was stuck outside in the pouring rain when it was already near freezing out. I grabbed the handle of the sliding door and I can't really explain it but my brain somehow took in all of the sensory information of how it felt, its temperature, its dimensions, I mean all of it. I flung the door open and we stepped inside. The house seemed so orange to the almost bluish darkness of the outdoors, and my friend still had a vaguely blue aura surrounding him. I looked at my hand out of curiosity and to my surprise I had a very thin blue and red aura that varied from finger to finger. I couldn’t see an aura on my other friend, however, he continued laying down, accidentally putting his head in my cat's water bowl and keeping it there.

2:20 AM - We sat down in the kitchen and talked about our pasts, the effects seeming to have largely subsided for whatever reason after only a few hours, maybe the stalks we ate were weak or old. I still felt a little lost in my own head, once again like I was stoned, but the actual trip seemed to have ended not long after we got back inside the house. My friend who was sitting next to the cat door jumped after my cat tried to exit through that door, and he said she looked like a gremlin and a raccoon.

3:00 AM - The effects were greatly noticeably reduced by this point. We returned to my room and chilled out. I fell asleep and while I was in the hypnagogic state, I saw this formless free-floating white face and hand reach out towards me then fade into the other side of my vision. When I woke up I felt weird and I still kinda do, but nothing too different.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115907
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2022Views: 373
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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