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A Familiar, Welcoming Euphoria
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
by Jxck
Citation:   Jxck. "A Familiar, Welcoming Euphoria: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp115936)". Nov 14, 2021.

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1 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I bought 2 Grams of shrooms with the intention of improving my mental health, I have (had?) suicidal depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body issues and a bunch of other related issues, some days I couldn't get out of bed. I had always been interested in the healing properties of psychedelics and was interested to try it out. On a quiet Saturday morning, at around 7:40 AM, I started eating the dried mushrooms by themselves, gulping it down with some water. I had a preloaded Tripping playlist to listen to, filled with a lot of synth pop and psychedelic music like Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, Tangerine dream and other artists that I love. I also had this playing out of a sound system at full volume, the bass thumping in my body felt amazing.

Anyways, at around 20-30 minutes after eating the mushrooms I started to feel funny, not bad or uncomfortable in any way, but I just knew that I was about to trip. I felt no nausea or sickness at all surprisingly, maybe that's because I ate them on a completely empty stomach. I remember distinctly feeling a great sense of joy and euphoria for what was about to come, I simply could not stop smiling. I looked at a book full of pictures of my beloved labradoodle, Lola, so that I wouldn't get any pre trip anxiety. That's when I started seeing things in my peripheral vision, small patterns and a small breathing visual on my walls. I looked at my tv and the colours were incredibly saturated and bright. I turned the music up louder and laid on my bed, looking at the LED lights projector on my ceiling, and just seeing what thoughts came into my mind.

I remember feeling a great sense of connection with the world, as if I was plugged into the universe, I truly felt like I had an important part in the world during the trip. I kept on thinking about nature and how amazing it is that we live in a world where we can witness such great works of art just by stepping outside.
I kept on thinking about nature and how amazing it is that we live in a world where we can witness such great works of art just by stepping outside.
I had recorded a few videos of me speaking but playing them back now it doesn't really make sense of what I was actually trying to say, I kept talking about the earth and how "it all makes sense." I'm sure that it had a deep meaning while tripping.

At around an hour after ingesting the mushrooms I had an amazing peak filled with euphoria I haven't felt since I was a young child. I wrote a note at 9:20 AM that simply says "wow" and some doodles and infinity signs. I don't have a super good recollection of this, but it happened. On the comedown I smoked a joint of Blue Dream which gave some nice effects. I saw patterns in the smoke as I blew it out. Overall the trip was very fun and incredibly healing as I no longer feel suicidal or anxious, and I feel a lot more confident. I'm planning on taking 3.5 grams for my next trip in a few weeks. I highly recommend shrooms!!!!!!!!

- Jxck

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115936
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Nov 14, 2021Views: 174
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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