The Dwarfs Shouted Something to Me
Citation:   Paranoid A. "The Dwarfs Shouted Something to Me: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116108)". Feb 20, 2022.

  oral Mushrooms (sclerotia)
    oral Mushrooms (dried)
Magic Mushrooms in Amsterdam

I want to tell you about my experiments with magic mushrooms, three of which took place in the glorious city of Amsterdam, and two more in my tiny town X. I hope this will be useful to some of you, and also help me to organize and analyze my memories.

Before starting fun with shrooms, I tried several times Ipomoea, Hawaiian [Baby Woodrose] and lophophora cactus. These things didn't make the right impression on me. They taste nasty, are laborious to prepare, and the effects are reminiscent of a very weak dose of mushrooms. The cactus, of course, is a little stronger than the Morning Glory, but it gives a feeling of a squeezed head.

So, enough preface. For the first trip in Amsterdam, I bought almost the strongest "truffles", as the sellers call them (since mushrooms with caps and stems were illegal, and the part growing underground was legal). I also decided not to leave the room in order to protect myself from possible surprises, because the sitter was not with me. So, 15 grams of "Purple rain" truffles were carefully chewed (it tastes like sour walnuts), swallowed and washed down with water.

The first effects appeared in about twenty minutes. I do not remember the exact sequence of their appearance now, but they included the following: Colors became bright and saturated, the music in the headphones sounded divine and on a cosmic scale. Moving floral ornaments appeared on the closet door. The proportions of the room were distorted. When I got out of bed (on which I was listening to music), I realized that I had grown almost to the ceiling (the effect of "Alice in Wonderland"). When I entered the bathroom, I did not recognize it - everything was different, although it is difficult to describe.

It seems to me that the most interesting thing about these changes in the proportions of objects - and they become puffy, curly and ugly - is that the visual distortions fully correspond to the tactile ones. That is, the object is distorted as a whole, for all senses. Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought that I had become some kind of mythical creature like an avatar from a movie. No, I was not blue, on the contrary - orange, but there was something primitive, demonic in my eyes, I felt a surge of warmth and bestial energy. You can say that I really lived for the first time. When I looked at my hand, I was surprised to find that the skin smoothed out, the fingers shortened, and it became as it were a child's, infantile. Looking out the window, I saw toy houses, cars and people. Textures and lighting effects are gone, leaving primitive blanks. The speech of people passing by the window sounded somehow blurred, muffled and from afar, as if turned backwards, it was impossible to make out anything. Time accelerated, people passed very quickly, the second hand also rotated faster than necessary. The lighting in the room changed - the shadows crawled out of the corners, then receded, the overall color balance changed - everything was painted either red or green. As I understand it, this was the peak of the visual effects, it lasted about an hour and a half.

Then came the introspective phase. I lay back on the bed, turned on the music, and I was blown away. My essence dissolved, now I was music, followed every intonation and experienced everything so deeply that at some point it became unbearable, and I had to pull out the headphones. The music activated memories from my childhood, and a terrible longing came over me. Why did all this go away forever, as if we were given some beautiful thing to play with, teased, and then it was unceremoniously taken away? Then thoughts rushed - why am I unhappy in adulthood, because being happy is my destiny, my parents want the same. So what am I doing here alone in Amsterdam, high on mushrooms? I decided to seriously take up my life, because no one will do anything for you, everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

In general, the awareness of universe-scale loneliness, complete responsibility for my entire life, as well as the inevitability of death was present in all my mushroom trips, and was one of the key themes. Over the course of subsequent trips, it materialized into some kind of ugly dwarf, sitting deep inside and sarcastically saying, "You do all this yourself, this is YOUR life, YOU make the choice of what it should be, what to spend precious time on, because life is very short, but in principle everything is not so important, because you will die anyway and your whole life, whatever it may be, will disappear without a trace." This is probably the most uncomfortable feeling I've ever experienced. My interpretation is as follows. A dwarf is an inner voice, a subconscious mind that, during its life, processes all the information that enters the brain in its own way, and derives empirical laws from it. For example, if during your life you have heard many times that someone has died, and you have never heard that someone lives forever, the subconscious mind deduces an empirical law: "All people are mortal", and, of course, extrapolates this to the owner of this subconsciousness himself. However, it is unpleasant for consciousness to realize this fact, and it tries to drown out the voice of the subconscious, by all means available to it. Psychedelics, as you know, open the gates of the subconscious, and his voice breaks out. Sometimes, indeed, as the hero of the film The Matrix said, "happiness is in ignorance."

Since I didn't leave my room during the first trip, I decided to come to Amsterdam again to have a trip in the open spaces. The original goal was to test the action of psilocybes in a natural environment (it’s a natural product after all), so I booked a hotel near Vondelpark. A pleasant surprise awaited me at the store. The seller turned out to be Russian (I guessed this from the song of the Kasta group that sounded there or something like that). When he found out that I came for truffles, he offered me real mushrooms with caps (from under the counter, of course). They were slightly more expensive, and besides, I had no complaints about the power of legal truffles, but still it was some kind of luck, and I decided not to miss my chance. The next morning, the sour mushrooms went into my mouth, and I went to the park. This time I stocked up with a gigabyte of psi-trance, which really fits very well with the mushroom trip and, apparently, enhances it. I put in the headphones and didn't take them out until the evening.

It was May, and the weather was beautiful and sunny. I was walking near a certain stream at the eastern end of the park, when I suddenly felt that shrooms started to kick in. I sat down on the grass on the river bank and began to look at the passing ducks. The ducks moved in jerks, but I was not particularly surprised. I lifted my head - each leaf in the crowns of the trees was visible as a separate one, and at the same time I saw them all at once. They fluttered very fast in the wind. In the same way, shadows from them on the ground quickly flashed, as well as ripples on the water. Everything around was so idyllic, so beautiful that I laughed wildly with happiness. I don’t know how long I sat there, but now I wanted new impressions, and I wandered along the path further. I noticed some dude wandering absently around the clearing with his hands behind his back and looking down at his feet. It was as if he was seeing the grass he was walking on for the first time. Sometimes he looked around in surprise. Then I met him in this park a few more times, in the same condition. I'm almost certain that he, too, experienced the power of the Mushroom. Eh, I should have connected with him.

Meanwhile, I wandered into a certain place where the trees formed a canopy of branches, giving a dense shade. A river flowed in the shade, and a snag laid on the bank. I sat down on it. Everything looked very mysterious and, again, devilishly beautiful. The place reminded me of an old computer game called The Secret of Monkey Island. After wandering around the park, I lay down in some clearing and stared at the sky. There is no need to pay tribute to the beauty of the clouds. They suspiciously quickly changed their shape, flowing from one to another in an almost spasmodic dissolve. I was in nirvana. But slowly the effects began to subside, and I was slightly disappointed. And is this is? The vaunted "real" psilocybes? Yes, it wasn’t bad to get high, not arguing that, but I wanted to trash myself and get insights into the inner workings of consciousness. Since it was only two in the afternoon, I decided to catch up with the truffles. To do this, I had to go back to the city, which I did. But here my unpreparedness showed up. The fact is that during the mushroom trip I need to drink water all the time. Plenty of water. Especially when it's thirty degrees outside. I did not take water with me. Money - too (I was afraid that I would be inadequate, and others would simply rob me, so I left everything at the hotel). The only thing I had was a credit card (I decided that no one would steal a credit card, because they did not know the pin). But it turned out that in Amsterdam it was almost impossible to buy anything with a card. Only cash was accepted everywhere. ATMs were also nowhere to be found. I dragged myself along the streets melting from the heat, not understanding in which direction and where I was going. I gave up trying to return to the hotel for money a long time ago, because I did not remember at all where it was (although I knew that it was somewhere nearby). Apparently, I underestimated the potential of psilocybes with caps, and they still worked.

Finally, I had an idea to go to some bar or cafe, and there - lo and behold! - they accepted my card and gave me a glass bottle of Perrier and a glass cup to go with it. It was a rescue! Slowly pouring the chilling liquid into myself, I looked around. The bar was very nice. Either it was because I was still high, or the famous Dutch Design had an effect. One way or another, I was ready to continue the adventure. Somehow orienting myself, I headed to the city center on foot. I've almost been let go. Nevertheless, the houses seemed somehow gingerbread, fabulous. Arriving at the store, I asked the seller if truffles would have an effect if they were eaten a second time a day (there is a so-called induced tolerance effect that lasts for several days, but I did not know when it starts). The seller said that the dose, apparently, was small, and it's worth a try. Then I bought the strongest they had - Dragon's Dynamite. I ate them somewhere nearby and, in anticipation of the effects, began to wander around the shops.

The effects were not long in coming. Standing in the store, I suddenly felt that I was starting to melt. My body and my ego melted like wax. There was sweat. Hands melted back to babyhood state. Without realizing anything, I quickly went out into the street. And then I realized that during my absence, significant changes had taken place in Amsterdam. The streets widened enormously, the houses, on the contrary, shrunk. The channel shrank so much that it seemed possible to reach out and touch the opposite bank. Everything has been simplified to primitive surfaces. Textures, shadows and highlights have disappeared. The same thing happened with people. Their faces have become demonic, and somewhat similar to caricatures that are painted on the embankments of resort towns. It was a plastic world! The most amazing thing is that the narrow streets not only became wide, but there really was enough space for everyone, and I didn’t run into anyone (at least it seemed to me). When I went back to the store, I was surprised how spacious it was.

I was about to leave, when suddenly I somehow felt that I should turn around. It turned out that I had touched something, and the seller told me that since the thing fell, then it was destined for me and I should buy it. I sent him away (in a polite manner, of course) and set off on further adventures. I sat down on the parapet and closed my eyes. Some rotating patterns immediately appeared before my eyes, organically flowing one into another, like in a kaleidoscope. Where do they come from? Probably, this is the level of thinking of the subconscious. Then I stood on some bridge and watched crowds of tourists scurrying back and forth. Their movements seemed absolutely meaningless to me. Where are they all going? What do they want? What is this all for? Life is some kind of crazy theatrical performance where everyone plays a role. The only question is, which role should I choose? Then I decided that it would be nice to eat, because it was already about five in the evening, and I had not had poppy dew in my mouth since morning (well, not quite). I went to McDonald's, but there were some surprises. Cashiers were somewhere on the horizon. Nevertheless, I got to them pretty quickly, but here's the problem - the cashier could not figure out what I wanted. Apparently, I mumbled something inarticulate. But, fortunately for me, his colleague came up, who by some miracle caught that I needed a cheeseburger with fries. Apparently, he has already taken orders from people like me.

And here is the tray in my hands. But what is it? Why is it two meters wide? Having climbed to the second floor, I sat down at a table and was going to enjoy my meal. But here, too, there was a bummer. The cheeseburger was made of rubber. There was a lump in the throat, the fries did not go in. I felt miserable. In addition, on the speckled wall, these specks suddenly began to take shape in very clear silhouettes. I decided that after all the premises had a depressing effect on me, and took the food with me. But then I felt an urge to go to the toilet. Going down the stairs high on mushrooms is something! Some man was standing near the toilets and collecting money (toilets are not free in Amsterdam, even in McDonald’s). I decided to ignore him as I wasn't sure if I had change. But, apparently, he called out to me, because I felt, as in that store, that I should turn around. That's right, the impudent wanted to deprive me of blood. I dug in my pocket and handed him some coins. I could not appreciate their dignity at that moment. What if there isn't enough? I was no longer able to endure. But, apparently, I was lucky that day. Relieved, I slowly wandered towards the hotel. Life has become beautiful again. I finished my cheeseburger and fries, and almost skipping (psy-trance was doing its job) walked through the streets of the city. After a while I got tired and decided to rest on a bench. Again, melancholy thoughts came over me. What am I doing alone in Amsterdam? What would I have to do? What role to choose in this performance? What to spend precious time on? All these questions remained unanswered. I ended my trip again in Vondelpark, watching the fountain erupt and fall. There was a feeling of usefully spent time - I was one step closer to understanding life.

However, I decided to continue experimenting with mushrooms, as I felt that I could learn something else from them. In order not to wander to Amsterdam every time, I took three boxes of the truffles with me. True, I had to give one to a friend =) And now, after some time of a respectable life, I decided that it was time to plunge into the abyss of psychedelia again. This time I was at home and decided to test what it's like to play a computer game under the influence of shrooms. It was Need for Speed Most Wanted. At first nothing happened, but then I began to notice that the graphics became somewhat cartoonish: the houses passing by became squat, the lanterns became short and thick, the textures were simplified - in general, a complete analogy to what happened with the streets of Amsterdam in the last trip. My room at this time was lit up with reddish and greenish devilish flashes. I quickly got tired of the game, and I began to wander around the apartment. The linoleum patterns in the kitchen floated and writhed as soon as one glanced at them a little. Details on objects appeared sharply when I approached them at a certain distance (for example, an apple on my iMac, which was not there at all a step before). The wallpaper in the bathroom behaved funny - patterns appeared on them, which in fact were not there.

Suddenly I realized that the brain is a dynamic system, and it can be in many states, but it chooses the most stable one, corresponding to the correct display of the surrounding world. Psychedelics, on the other hand, give the system additional energy, loosen it, so that it can get out of the stable state pit and begin to move through states that are less stable, but much more interesting for the psychonaut. At the same time, I realized that these unstable states are far from always pleasant, and, as a rule, are deprived of some kind of warm feeling of "humanity", which is located in the solar plexus region. Therefore, for myself, I decided that I do not want to constantly be in such "inhuman" states, which, of course, does not exclude rare experiments for the purpose of self-knowledge. Realizing the human in myself, I immediately fell into a state of immense love for all people and for the world as a whole. I wanted to call my loved ones and tell them how much I love them, which I did. Then I jumped on my bicycle and went for a ride in the park. It was an indescribable joy of life. The trees, illuminated by the rays of the evening sun, rushed towards me, rubble flew from under the wheels, and the soul soared in the clouds. Meanwhile, I had a box of the strongest truffles on the market, Mother Nature's, in my stash.

Unlike all the other truffles that are packaged in ten to twenty pieces per box, Mother Nature's is one, but a VERY large specimen. The manufacturer claims that it takes several years to mature. This time I decided to go straight to the park and enjoy the fusion with nature that I expected from the name of the product. I ate the truffle at home, and while walking, I did not notice any special effects. Already walking through the park, at some point I realized that I was starting to get high, and not weakly. Apparently, my blood pressure began to drop and my head was spinning, because I frantically began to look for where to sit down. Finally, a bench turned up for me, and I flopped down on it with relief. Some rather elderly woman was already sitting there, and apparently, she was a little perplexed why I suddenly landed here. If only she knew what was going on in my head! The world was stretching and changing in an intangible way, and I was afraid to move, because it seemed to me that something terrible would happen then. Finally, this unpleasant phase passed, the pressure returned to normal, I got up and went on. When I crossed the river on the bridge, a lot of people passed towards me, and they looked slightly plastic, although not as obvious as in Amsterdam. Soon I came to my favorite clearing, away from the crowds of vacationers. I sat down on the grass at the side of the road, under the canopy of the trees. Ahead was a wonderful view of a sun-drenched field, framed around the perimeter by bushes and trees. Everything was very beautiful, better than in Shishkin's paintings. Time disappeared somewhere, I just sat, looked and enjoyed the beauty. How do people not notice this? Yes, everything is simple - they are immersed in their petty problems and worries, not realizing that they are missing the main thing.

Then my thoughts changed. I seemed to look at myself from the future, or from the outside. I thought: "But now my best years are passing! How mediocrely I spend them!" I felt that time flows inexorably, without stopping for a second, and my old age is not far off. How fleeting is human life! All our naive plans and aspirations, dreams and hopes, everything is crushed by the millstones of time. What percentage of them will come true? Yes, what, in fact, the difference. I got up to move on. Suddenly I realized that while I was sitting, the world was somehow skewed. It is very difficult to describe, but to the right of me (this is what I was sitting with my back to) everything was flattened, the space ceased to extend evenly along the three coordinate axes, but as if it was inscribed in some kind of parallelepiped. Not being completely sure how to move in such cases, I nevertheless moved forward. After about five minutes this effect was gone. I went to the bank of the pond and sat down on the steps that descended to the water. There, vacationers launched radio-controlled boats. It was very funny to watch them. They were all so seriously preoccupied with this activity, as if it were not entertainment, but something necessary for their survival. Some older man was taking photographs, his face contorted into grimaces of hellish torment when he focused his camera. At the same time, of course, no one paid attention to the amazing beauty of the fountain that spouted in the center of the pond.

At some point, the lighting began to change, everything turned reddish, then greenish tones, some diabolical echoes were heard, ornate patterns appeared on the steps. However, this soon passed, and I went further along the coast. Then I suddenly again saw myself from the outside, as a pitiful pawn in the grandiose game of the universe, and my whole life seemed to me insignificant and useless. I felt myself one on one with the immensely powerful, but absolutely indifferent to the human, forces of the universe, and realized that, of course, I could not compete with them. It was one of the most unpleasant and demoralizing sensations that I experienced. How good it is that in the normal state there are filters in the brain that do not allow a person to fully realize his insignificance - otherwise the life of all people would be hopelessly spoiled. Thank God, this insight did not last long, and I returned to normal.

I laid down on a bench and began to look at the tree on the bank of the pond. It was beautifully illuminated by the sun, so beautiful that the thought pierced me - this is it! Beauty! That's what it's worth to live in this world! Let there be a lot of unpleasant things in life, but I am ready to endure it, just to be able to observe beauty. When a person sees beauty, he seems to touch eternity. Death ceases to play a role and recedes. Having seen the real beauty at least once in your life, you have already justified your existence. I felt that now, if desired, I could create the greatest works of art, but at the same time I understood how insignificant they would be compared to the beauty that I see before me. Then I began to look up, as above me the sun glare sparkled and the leaves of the tree fluttered. It was also very beautiful. Here I somehow became a four-year-old myself. Not in the sense that I moved somewhere to childhood. Yes, there was a memory from that time, but that's different. It was the "I" itself, "today's I", that became the "I" that was at my age of four. It was like a time tunnel had opened up. And that "I" thought - "Wow, how drastically my life and I myself have changed! Is this what I dreamed of?" Returning to the former "I" produced a powerful cleansing effect, as if I forgave myself for everything that I had done since then, and accepted myself as I became. With joy, I burst into tears. Then I began to fantasize how I would like to see my life, and came to the conclusion that it is best to live closer to nature, somewhere in alpine meadows, because nothing can compare with the beauty of nature. And be sure to start a family. I was also very afraid to forget all these truths that were revealed to me, but as you can see, I needed not worry. It was starting to get dark and I moved on.

Now everything amazed me. Everything was familiar to me, but it looked somehow unusual. Bridge over the river. Alcove. I ran my hand along the column (probably, I looked very strange from the outside). What is reality? In fact, everything that we observe and touch are surfaces. What's under them? What is under this roughness of the column? Apparently, nothing, emptiness, coal-black mental vacuum. Billions of people live their lives without even thinking about where. Where is this world created by the brain, on what rights does it even exist? Why am I in this body and living in this century? And what is "now"? Yes, we do not know the most important things about our world. I went further down the path, and wild flowers caught my attention. I sat down to take a close look at them. How perfect these creations are, and how often we pass by without noticing their beauty. In the distance stood a sprawling tree. I walked over and ran my hand over the rough bark. I was even a little scared of the greatness of this tree. Yes, how far city dwellers have become from nature! And this is bad, this is the source of all depressions and neuroses. Beauty and nature, beauty and nature, that's what you need to hold on to, just try not to forget about it in the bustle of everyday life! In the meantime, I went to a small pier, and suddenly noticed that spider webs were stretched on the railing, and soon I saw the spiders themselves. They were huge, fat, and sat motionless, waiting. Strangely, I've never seen cobwebs here before. How much we miss, immersed in our worries. It was getting dark, and I hurried to the city. I decided to celebrate the end of such a fruitful trip in a restaurant and ordered my favorite steak. The taste was amazing, like I tasted it for the first time in my life. No, after all, life is definitely a good thing! Despite being complicated...

And finally, it's time to talk about my last (to date) mushroom experience, which took place in the very same glorious city of Amsterdam. But this time I went there with friends, and the decision was made at the last moment (I just didn’t want to regret later all my life that I didn’t share my best friends’ first psychedelic experience). As this trip was the first for them, I gave them the honorary right to start mycophagy, while I remained sober in case something went wrong. Prior to that, we purchased three packs of Dragon’s Dynamite, a strain I have tried and which proven to be very good. They ate it in the bushes of the Vondelpark, hiding from passers-by (who knew if it were legal to eat it on the street, when you could’t even drink alcohol there). After some time, my friends told about the first effects - "helicopters", a sensation of everything spinning in front of their eyes, but for some reason nothing more serious and interesting happened. So, we wandered around the park for about an hour, and I decided that they probably have tolerance, and they definitely won’t be hit hard. So, I ate my portion and we moved to the Van Gogh Museum as planned. We purchased tickets in advance at the reception in our hostel. Somewhere along the way to the museum we met a picturesque bench covered with ivy, and we decided to sit down. And it was here that my friends began get high. The effects appeared if one concentrated on some immovable object (and apparently therefore were absent during the walk). A friend said he sees everything in purple. Another friend could move the windows in the house opposite to us with the power of thought (!), sort of like in barley-break (of course, for me they remained in place). We decided that it was time to enjoy the work of the great impressionist, and continued on our way to the museum. It didn't take long to walk, and now we were inside.

And then it began to hit me (exactly half an hour had passed since I ate my dose). This happened as soon as I entered the first hall, and without even looking at the paintings, I sat down on a bench facing the exit. I felt that something bad was coming, I seemed to be bent to the ground. It should be noted that on the night before I hardly slept, and apparently this affected further events. The room grew wildly in size. People have become as if cut out of a magazine and pasted on the scenery, not of this world. Conversations and footsteps subsided and receded somewhere far into the background. My friends saw writhing snakes instead of parquet boards, and the peasant in the picture loosened the earth with a rake and winked. I was more and more concerned about the deteriorating state of health, apparently my blood pressure was dropping. We wandered around the hall for a bit and sat down in front of the Sunflowers. I propped my head on my hands and began to fall somewhere inside myself. Strange visions swam before my eyes. Then a friend called me and said that I looked like a drunk, and if it goes on like this, then the guards will take us out. Another friend laughed hysterically all the time, though in an undertone. Further events are vaguely remembered. We went up, down, up again. A friend said that he sees another friend in the form of a hologram.

Finally, I felt so bad that I laid down on a bench in the hall. This usually helps with low pressure, but not this time. We decided to take me out into the fresh air. I could barely walk, my legs gave way, my eyes dimmed, and the stairs did not end. I couldn't take it anymore and fell down the steps. Suddenly the whole world stretched out to the sides, as if in an ultra-wide-angle lens, and even further. My friends leaning over me were also elongated and similar to unearthly beings. Strangely enough, I heard their voices normally. They said things like, "Damn, he's passed out! What should we do?" As they said later, I had a glazed look straight ahead. Time seemed to have stopped, and I thought: that’s it, game over, now I’m going to go to the other world. Oddly enough, I was absolutely calm, as if my fate did not bother me at all. Then my friend picked me up and dragged me to the exit, for which I am immensely grateful to him. My consciousness was teetering on the edge, but nevertheless, through superhuman efforts, we got out into the street. There I suddenly felt better, the fresh air did its job. The friend, meanwhile, ran to the tent for a bottle of water, and he had no idea how much money he was holding out to the seller. After drinking water, I finally came to my senses and felt incredible relief. Of course, I’ve just escaped from the clutches of death! But, as it turned out, my misadventures did not end there.

There was no question of continuing the tour, and we decided to return to the hostel and rest. But this was a fatal mistake. We were staying in different rooms (since I decided to go at the last moment), and when I went into mine and slammed the door, I freaked out a bit. The room seemed to me a kind of small cube in which I could barely fit (in fact, it had two double beds). Moreover, I almost forgot where I am and how I got there! I took off my jacket and began to look for some place to hang it on, but I could not find anything suitable. Suddenly, I noticed a girl on one of the lower beds. Still confused, silently, I began to frantically untie my shoelaces, which, of course, did not obey. Finally, taking off my shoes, I muttered something unintelligible and, right in my jacket, climbed onto my top shelf. My gaze rested on a lamp on the ceiling, and to the right there was a small window into the courtyard-well, through which only the roofs were visible. I closed my eyes and then the nightmare began. Some phantasmagoric visions appeared, one thing was especially memorable: I seemed to be floating in the center of the opera house, only everything was painted in black and white checkerboard pattern, the balconies twisted in spirals and moved up and down, and black and white dwarfs ran along them. At the same time, the dwarfs shouted something to me, and their voices were layered on top of each other and gave rise to numerous echoes.

I had never had such strong auditory hallucinations before, and it seemed that they were not going to pass. I decided I became crazy. Opening my eyes and seeing a bleak lamp and a window, I imagined that I was in a mental hospital, at first as if joking, and then I believed it myself. I completely lost track of time and forgot that my friends were in the next room. It seemed to me that I was completely alone and incurable. It was very creepy and ugly. Finally, I decided that if I still had any chance of a cure, then it was to get out of this room, find my friends and go outside. Everything turned out to be easier than I expected. A friend listened to music in cheap headphones, and it seemed to him that he was at an awesome concert. Another friend caught her glitches - it seemed to her that the blanket was a hilly country. I convinced them that we urgently needed to get out. Climbing down the stairs was an adventure as the steps and railings changed their proportions. Finally, we found ourselves on the street. Gradually I came to my senses, and the fear receded. We went to the city center, as there was still a whole evening ahead. Some of the cars on the sidewalk looked squashed and distorted, so much so that I couldn't recognize the brand, although they were clearly something mundane like a Volkswagen. Interestingly, everything else looked fine! Finally, the phase has come when the body finally adapts and begins to enjoy life. Everything was fresh, clean and new. The colors were bright, the sounds were loud, and the smells were strong. Life was new. And damn great!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 116108
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Feb 20, 2022Views: 524
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