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Fainting for the Second Time
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   Mushroom Daddy. "Fainting for the Second Time: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp116148)". Erowid.org. Feb 19, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116148

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 6:00 2 hits vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Recently, I was visiting an old friend who lives in the Rocky Mountains. We met in church as kids and both grew away from our faith. He is farther along in his journey than I am and has a fair amount of experience with psychedelics (50+ trips). I am starting to explore them and have really enjoyed them so far. My significant other is with us and we were planning to do a birthday hike for his girlfriend and take some mushrooms and hike up to an alpine lake in the mountains. We got to the trailhead at 9:00am and started hiking. It was a beautiful day and we were all looking forward to the experience. This was my third or fourth time taking mushrooms. We made peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with the mushrooms. We hiked for a couple of hours and then ate the sandwiches around 11:00am. My buddy and I had 3.5g and our partners had 1.75g. We timed it so that the effects were kicking in right as we pulled up to the alpine lake. Our plan was to set up hammocks and blankets and to have a picnic and enjoy the scenery.

Our plan got changed as we sat for a few minutes and realized that it was too cold to be sitting around. The temperature was in the upper 30’s low 40’s Fahrenheit. We decided to hike back down and make our way to a meadow that we had walked through where it would be warmer. As we started to hike back down, the mushroom effects were getting stronger and stronger. As it started snowing, I had a sense that we were entering into a beautiful experience together. Everything else faded from view other than the trail and our friends. It felt like being in a snow globe. The beauty of the snow laden evergreen trees, geological structures all around, and mountain vistas was overwhelming. Our walking pace slowed rapidly as each step became more and more difficult. Our senses were overloaded with the visual field. The colors were sharp and bright. Whites, greens, yellows and browns as beautiful as I have ever seen them. We did not make it down to the meadow because we were overtaken by the intensity of the visual field and the amount of information flooding into our brains. We decided to stop and get our blankets out and huddle under a grove of trees to wait out the peak of the experience. I was cuddling for warmth and looking at one of the trees, thinking about what its life is like from the perspective of the tree. It felt as though the tree was watching out for us and that it was good natured. The tree was strong and beautiful beyond what I can describe with words. The details of the bark were mesmerizing and seemed to be laced with neon colors. The leaves were waving at us in the wind. The branches were perky and the tree was smiling and waving. My partner and I made eye contact and suddenly she was all that I could see. I expressed my intense gratitude for her being in my life and for being in this moment together. It was a moment I will look back fondly on as often as possible.

Eventually we could not keep our body heat up enough so we decided that we had to keep moving. The effects were still very strong and it took us a long time to pack up our blankets and get moving. We would start packing and then all of a sudden get distracted by looking at a plant or in conversation with one another. Eventually we began to move again and got our bodies warmed up. We were still hiking much slower than normal, taking in the scenery and thinking about how it all works together and how it all formed from nothing. Towards the end of the peak experience, we reached a creek crossing over a narrow log. It took all of our collective focus to make it across but we slowly made it, taking the smallest steps possible. We slowly made our way down into the valley and had great conversations along the way. We talked about family, life, government, and philosophy, and much more. We passed a few other people and I remember feeling grateful to spend my day with them, even just for a moment. I told each one of them to “have a great day” but the words carried actual meaning, not said out of habit but feeling a sense of love and connectedness with each new person.

After a long day, we sobered up and made it back to the apartment and ordered some dinner. At 5pm dinner we took a couple of hits each of the cannabis vape pen and then started eating dinner. We started eating and about 5 minutes later I started feeling light headed. I told my partner that I needed to lay down on the ground but before I could get there, I passed out on her while sitting at the table. I was only out for a few moments before coming back to. She said that I jerked around a little bit. I laid on the ground and felt very weak. My face was flush and I felt dehydrated. I drank water and had some French fries and after 10 minutes felt good enough to sit at the table and resume dinner. I felt weak the rest of the night. I had not eaten much that day (the PB&J sandwich and some mixed nuts) and we had hiked about 16 miles. I am not hungry on mushrooms so I didn’t eat. Also, I had only had about a liter of water to drink all day. The combination of factors may have caused my blood pressure to drop and I passed out. The interesting thing is that this was the second time I have fainted after using mushrooms and cannabis.
The interesting thing is that this was the second time I have fainted after using mushrooms and cannabis.
The first time was at a concert. I ate a mushroom chocolate (3.5g), then about an hour later I was feeling the effects full on and decided to take a 10mg THC edible and hit a cannabis vape pen a few times. 5 minutes later I was on the ground having passed out while standing. I laid down and drank water for 15 minutes and was then able to get up and rest.

In the future I plan to make sure to eat and drink more, especially towards the end of a trip or prior to any cannabis use.
Despite the less-than-ideal ending, this was an incredible experience that I will look back on very fondly.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116148
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Feb 19, 2022Views: 383
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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