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Beautiful Warmth and a Lovely Evening
by Sn0w
Citation:   Sn0w. "Beautiful Warmth and a Lovely Evening: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116218)". Aug 11, 2022.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I would like to preface this report with an apology for the lack of time stamps. I’m writing this several years later, and was not keeping time. I hope to include them in future report.

I was about 17 years old. I had yet to try mushrooms, and I was about to meetup with my friend D at a gazebo nearby. I had been excited to try mushrooms for a long time, and now was my chance. He scored 4 grams, and was arriving shortly. We usually smoke weed and walk around the town, which we both grew up in. It was the perfect setting for a good trip. It had snowed a few days earlier, but the sun was shining now and it was nice and warm out.

He showed up, we chat a bit, and proceed to split the bag in half and eat them. They didn’t taste too bad, I felt like they tasted like styrofoam. Shortly after eating them, he informs me that he needs to walk to the police station which is about a 10 minute walk away, because he has a probation meeting. This blew my mind, this man just ate 2 grams of mushrooms and is about to go talk to a probation officer. What.

So, we begin the walk over to the police station while waiting for them to kick in. He goes into the station, and says he’ll be out in 10 min or less. About 30 minutes go by, and I begin to notice breathing feels amazing. I love breathing. I felt enriched with each breath. A giant tree also caught my eye, and I saw it in a light I hadn’t seen it in before. It used to be somewhat ominous, but I saw it in a very warm light now. This tree is epic. I realized that I think I’m tripping now. About 15 minutes more go by, and I realized D probably got arrested or something, but he can call me if he didn’t, and I decided to continue walking around the town. I decided to walk to the grocery store since they have free soup, which was only about 20 min away.

On the walk over, the sun felt so good. I had a permanent smile on my face, I had a feeling of happiness that was so nice it seemed like I been keeping bottled up and now it can finally shine and be felt.
I had a feeling of happiness that was so nice it seemed like I been keeping bottled up and now it can finally shine and be felt.
I felt so peaceful, happy and content. I didn’t know what to expect in terms of visuals, but I would sink into things. There were footprints in the snow nearby which caught my eye, and they seemed so beautiful. Who’s were they? What story did they tell?

I walked into the grocery store, and couldn’t quite get my temperature comfortable in here. I got my soup which I really enjoyed, though I kept taking my coat on and off. I decided to keep it on for now, and walked out. I decided to head towards home, as the sky was flirting with an evening onset.

I arrived home, and didn’t realize why I decided to go home, because both of my parents were home. They’re great, not too strict, but certainly would raise an eyebrow if I came home on shrooms. It just didn’t register to me then, I was at one with my being, why would I avoid home and loved ones?

Right when I went home, I went to my bedroom and threw on my sweatpants. I didn’t take off my beanie though, it felt good and felt safe. I didn’t feel in danger, but it was my buddy. I went to take a leak in the bathroom, and saw myself in the mirror. I made a funny face at myself, and laughed hysterically for a solid minute. I stayed in the bathroom making funny faces at myself for at least 10 minutes. When I make the faces to this day, they are indeed pretty hilarious.

After my bathroom adventure, it was dinner time. I sat down at the dinner table with one parent to my left, one to the right. My mom said “Hey uh, your pupils are pretty impressively huge”. I joking said “Oh come on, not like I ate mushrooms before dinner”. I’m sure she knew, but I thought I got by. Thankfully neither sweated me and just laughed it off.

The food on my plate looked like mush. I played with it with my fork the first 3/4 of the dinner, and ate it in the last quarter.

Then, my mom threw on an Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movie, and I joined with her and the dog. It was an awesome evening. I sat near the fireplace, and the warmth it gave off felt like a caring, beautiful vital life force. Not too intense, but calming and relaxing. The movie was hysterical and felt great.

After it was over, I went to my bedroom, turned off the lights, and laid down. Shortly after, I found myself standing up and hanging out in my bedroom in the dark, in a really peaceful, introspective and content way. After I was done peering into beauty of life, I went to bed. It was an absolutely wonderful time.

Oh, and it turns out D got arrested right when he walked into the police station.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 116218
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 11, 2022Views: 391
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Mushrooms (39) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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