Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Feeling Like Something Was Different
Mushrooms, Methylphenidate & Nicotine
Citation:   layne. "Feeling Like Something Was Different: An Experience with Mushrooms, Methylphenidate & Nicotine (exp116221)". Mar 26, 2022.

36 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (daily)
  0.5 - 1.0 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
    repeated vaporized Nicotine  
First Experience With Mushrooms (on Concerta)

It was a beautiful spring day in Southern Ontario during COVID-19. My 5 (all male) roommates and I just finished our final semester of our undergrad and were all going to move away in a few days. Three of us decided to brew some mushrooms into tea, and go for a long walk in the forest near our house.

Before I explain my experience, I should clarify that I have ADHD, so I took 36mg of Concerta everyday, at this time. I was also pretty addicted to nicotine, so I had my vape on me as well.

My friend had around 4g of mushrooms, and so we decided to each take 1g in a tea, myself taking slightly less than the other two, because I am a girl and they are guys (bigger than me). We brewed our tea, and while it was being prepared, I showered, put on some comfy yet warm clothes, and made sure I had everything I needed on my person. We put our tea into travel mugs, and set off for a long walk in the daylight.

I was drinking my tea, chatting with my roommates, taking photos, and just trying to be mindful of how I felt. I had never done mushrooms before, so I really had no expectations. When sober, I am a very curious and open-minded person, I tend to look for the beauty in small things, so I was trying to pay attention to my surroundings and what my senses were telling me. I was really enjoying looking at the trees, the plans, the sky, feelings the wind, and just breathing in the warm air. I wasn’t sure whether this was the mushrooms, or just me trying to take everything in. I kept drinking my tea and hitting my vape occasionally, and after a while, maybe 20-30 minutes, I started to feel like something was slightly different, but nothing I could pinpoint for sure. It could have been placebo. I was just really enjoying myself, and it felt as though my mind was free of thoughts about anything other than the present moment, and enjoying my company and surroundings.

I finished my tea and we kept on walking. By this point I had picked up what I called an ‘observation stick’, so I could poke around at different things in the forest and observe them without using my hands. I took a lot of photos, but didn’t go on my phone other than that. I felt very light, very clear headed, and very observant, everything really did look beautiful. The colours of the leaves looked really green, and the textures fascinating. I didn’t feel ‘high’ or like I was tripping, I just felt like I was lighter, calmer, and more outwardly present, but I also didn’t feel ‘there’.
I didn’t feel ‘high’ or like I was tripping, I just felt like I was lighter, calmer, and more outwardly present, but I also didn’t feel ‘there’.
That feeling I had mentioned earlier about feeling like something was different remained the entire time, and it was almost imperceivable unless I was paying attention. Almost like I was fully present with my senses, but my thinking mind wasn’t there. If I did have a thought, it would brush past me quickly and any emotions the thought brought up went with it. In a way, my clear mind was a little unsettling, but it was nice. I kept looking around me to see if I could catch some bark swirling or some dirt swaying, but nope. Everything was just as it should be. The birds were chirping and I felt free. I remember listening to my friend point out the different types of birds based on the sound of their song. I was so impressed with his ability to do that. Life was beautiful, but I still wasn’t sure if I was tripping. I definitely wasn’t tripping as much as I had thought I might, but I also tried not to bring any expectations into it. My friend decided to turn around and start heading back, but I wasn’t ready. I decided to stay behind and take in the environment for longer. There was a little river flowing through an open part of the forest, so I sat on a bench and listened to the water.

There was a fallen tree laying horizontal from it’s trunk to the ground near(ish) the river, so I decided to climb it. Sitting atop the tree I felt accomplished, and satisfied. Stayed there for quite a bit, and just looked around me. I looked at the bark beneath me, and I noticed some red ants crawling on it. In that moment, I felt a pang of fear (I am afraid of bugs), and I got off the tree. Part of me was slightly concerned that perhaps some red ants might have gotten on me but I went on exploring and tried not to worry. I found myself in a portion of this open woods that had longer grass and more twigs and branches on the ground. I was walking through, and I started to feel slightly itchy on my leg, so I itched, and then felt itchy elsewhere, and of course, I began to worry that there were red ants in my pants. I started to pick up my walking pace but started tripping on the branches a bit, and realized I didn’t really know how to get back. I started to panic a little. I was a bit paranoid about having ants on me, and I was alone and a bit lost. So, I decided to call one of my roommates. I told him I was worried I had ants on me and asked if he could come back to where I was. He did, and he reassured me there was no ants on me. We went back to the walking path and things were fine again. We started to head back slowly, and we stopped a couple times on the way, and then we exited the forest just as the sun started to set.

We went back home, ordered some asian noodle soup, and watched Howl’s moving castle, which was really nice to watch after our walk. After this point, I didn’t experience much else, and I went to bed satisfied with my first experience.

I do think that having ADHD / taking concerta may have impacted my trip, and I had a suspicion that it made the drugs less potent, since I had not experienced much, but I also considered the fact that perhaps 1g (or slightly less) may have not been strong enough for me to experience a more consuming trip.

Either way, it was pleasant, relaxing, and gave me confidence in my body’s ability to handle mushrooms well, and the desire to do them again in a similar circumstance.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116221
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 26, 2022Views: 1,099
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114), Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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