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Start Low and Go Slow!
Citation:   Garden Witch. "Start Low and Go Slow!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116399)". Jun 18, 2022.

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I really want to share my most recent mushroom trip with everyone. I definitely made some mistakes and paid for them, but I've had a hard time finding other similar experiences to this one which is why I wanted to share. What started off amazing turned into a pretty bad experience but more so in a physical way and less of a mental way.  

I'll start off by saying that I have done mushrooms a handful of times in the past, never really had a bad experience but I also never tripped super hard either. Usually I start off slow and then build my dose over the course of the night, except a few times I've made some weaker tea. 

A friend and I had been wanting to trip together for a while and we finally found a trustworthy supplier. I wanted this experience to be a little stronger than my previous ones and decided that 3g would be a good starting point, and I could always have more if I wanted as the night went on (I definitely didn't end up needing anymore).

I had read online that anywhere from 3g-5g is considered a normal higher dose so I thought starting at the low point was a good idea, but I didn't take into account that every strain and batch can all have varying levels of potency and it's a really good idea to actually test your batches at lower doses first before just assuming they are the same strength as ones you've had in the past. I also made the mistake of not eating a lot that day, thinking it would be better on an empty stomach. I'm also a smaller female and only weigh around 100lbs, my friend had the same dose as me but they are more than double my size in both weight and height, something else I didn't take into consideration.  

Around 8pm we each weigh out our 3g doses and start munching on them dried with fruit smoothies to help wash them down. My husband also had a small amount that was less than 1g total. The setting and atmosphere were both great, we were at my house and all felt safe and happy. It was a warm Summer evening and while waiting for them to kick in my friend and I decided to go for a walk. We walked through this graveyard beside my house that we always walk through, I know some of you might be thinking that's a little weird but it's a really beautiful and peaceful cemetery that always fills me with feelings of peace and tranquility.

We had a great time on our walk and before we left we stopped under my favorite tree and ended up seeing a bunch of fireflies! It was so magical and beautiful as they flew all around us. Standing under the tree and looking up at the stars I started to feel light and started seeing waves of colors form in the air. We decided to head back to my house and on the way we had to walk up some stairs, for me it looked like there was a waterfall of movement and color just cascading down the stairs, it was really fun to see and at this point I knew I was in for a night. 

We made it back without issue and it honestly felt like we made it back right on time, because not long after I was tripping pretty hard. 

My friend and I laid down around the living room floor while my husband played a light and colorful video game in the background. Suddenly everything was so hilarious to me, especially my cat who was just sitting there watching me roll around on the floor at this point. I was laughing so much that it was making me cry, which was even more hilarious to me. The mood was still great and I was having a great time, although I started to feel like I wasn't very in control of my emotions.

I would go from laughing to sobbing and crying in an instant, but I wasn't actually sad or upset! My body was just doing that on its own.
I would go from laughing to sobbing and crying in an instant, but I wasn't actually sad or upset! My body was just doing that on its own.
It was also SO FUNNY to me that I was crying but not actually sad, which would then make me laugh, which would then make me cry. I thought this must be what it feels like to be insane as I continued to roll around on the floor laughing then crying then laughing again. I have long hair and at one point it was totally in front of my face as I crawled around on the floor, I must have looked like the girl from The Grudge. 

I was seeing so much trail behind any movements and our white ceiling was bursting with colors. I had never seen visuals this extreme before. My friend and husband weren't actually worried by my behavior at this point, they knew I was just tripping and not actually sad or upset (I wasn't) but could tell I was definitely the most far gone of the group. I explained to them that I didn't know why I was crying and that I felt great, my friend said that I reminded him of the Witch from the video game Left for Dead which I thought was really cool. My body kept flailing around like a spaghetti monster but I couldn't control it.

This went on for a while, eventually I went into my bedroom to lay down while my friend sat on the bed beside me. I couldn't believe how colorful and trippy everything was, my dresser and curtains looked so wavy like they were straight out of a Dr. Seuss book and colors were radiating off everything. Listening to my friend laugh beside me was so fun, they reminded me of the Mad Hatter or something like that and it was as if I could hear their laugh twisting around the air. Eventually around 11pm my friend's ride came and they left to go home, my husband was still playing video games in the next room.

At this point I was still feeling mentally fine and happy, but I didn't like how out of control I felt with my own body. I was crying on and off so much that my eyes became very swollen and my nose was constantly running but I didn't have the ability to blow it properly. I ended up blowing my nose on my hand and wiping it on the side of my bed several times, I knew it was disgusting but I didn't know what else to do. My muscles kept tensing up over and over again and I couldn't stay still. 

I also couldn't stop drooling or getting snot all over my pillow and face, which was making my eyes even more swollen. Mentally I was fine but my swollen eyes and lack of ability to self care became distressing to me. As pools of drool formed on the sheets I became worried that I would pass out and drown in it, which I thought would be a really stupid way to die. I also became worried that I was forgetting to breathe and had to keep reminding myself to breathe properly. 

I ended up getting out of bed and started to feel very hot, as my friend had already left I decided to just remove all my clothes to help with the overheating and I laid down on the cool hardwood floor. I could hear my husband talking to his online friends in the next room, I was really worried he would get up and see me in that state, eyes and face swollen, lying naked on the floor, I honestly felt so ashamed and how could I let myself get to that point? I've never not been able to take care of myself before, especially in such a basic way. 

I went into the bathroom and was horrified by how I looked. I know I was still tripping pretty hard but my eyes were so swollen I looked like I had an allergic reaction and my body was so bony and gross and hunched over, I looked like a monster. I was worried about getting pink eye or an eye infection and I could see every pore and vein in my face.

I really started feeling just not great. I felt I was ready for the trip to end but knew it was far from over. I felt like I might vomit so I stayed in the bathroom for a while, but I never ended up throwing up. In hindsight I think I became severely dehydrated and that's why I started feeling so sick, due to all my crying and then not drinking any water because I never even thought of that. I spent a good hour in the bathroom just rocking back and forth trying to ride it out, just hoping for it to end soon. I considered going to the ER but I really didn't want to, I became worried that I would never sober up and would be permafried forever. 

Time went on and I started feeling a little better so I went back to bed, my husband eventually checked on me and brought me some tissues and water which helped. I was still high but so happy I could feel myself coming down, my dresser that was so twisty before was now only slightly distorted. I just wanted to be normal again. I finally was able to get up feeling much more sober and was able to wash my face and flush my eyes. I was lucky and never got an eye infection but I did have a terrible migraine the next day. 

While there was a lot of good about this experience it definitely scared me and I never want to feel that out of control again. I will never again trip without having multiple Gatorade and water bottles around and I think from now on I'm gonna stick with the "start low and go slow" method. I thought I was experienced and could handle it and instead I got my ass handed to me. I'm just glad I was at home where I could be disgusting and insane in peace and not stuck in some other situation. 

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116399
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 18, 2022Views: 512
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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