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I Just Went for It With No Big Expectations
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by Am_n
Citation:   Am_n. "I Just Went for It With No Big Expectations: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp116612)". Sep 18, 2022.

1.2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
Saw the Netflix documentary "how to change your mind" and was curious about how the effects of psilocybin could personally affect me. I don't have a history or mental illnesses but I have been going through some depression lately.

I contacted a friend and he got me 6 grams of mushrooms labeled Alacabenzi psilocybe cubensis. I mashed around 1.2 grams in what we call here in Mexico a molcajete, and I mixed it with some hot water and decaf green tea. I just went for it with no big expectations and I made sure I didn't drink any alcohol or any other substances that day.

Magic Mushroom Tea

It took a little bit for the mushrooms to kick in I'd say 50 minutes or almost an hour, I knew when they did because all of a sudden I fell a slight migraine in my frontal lobe, it lasted like 10 seconds and from there I started losing balance and felt lightheaded "drunklike". I was just happy. My girlfriend took a slightly higher dose almost 2 grams it was her first time too but curiously enough she never felt anything. She takes antidepressants, ADHD meds and others, we concluded that maybe it was her other pills that masked the effects of the psilocybin in some way.

I didn't see much of the "distorted images/reality" that everyone talks about but I feel like something in my mind clicked, or maybe I just really wanted it to. I started seeing things more clearly as in my context
I feel like something in my mind clicked, or maybe I just really wanted it to. I started seeing things more clearly as in my context
, who I am as a person; and who I surround myself with, as in, my experience is that I feel as if I came out of this experience incredibly much more objective, I had like a 1-2 hour period of thoughts and thoughts and very clear thinking like things really started making so much sense.

I know this doesn't sound like an amazing story or anything but I am shocked as I woke up today and immediately felt like changing my routines, I don't really feel tired anymore. I got out of bed I went out for a run I'm back and I feel energized and focused like I never have before. I sure will experiment with a higher dose of psilocybin but so far, personal experience, I can confirm the feeling of euphoria, lots of laughing lots of smiling, really good time, and very objective like clear thinking like big realization of who I am and what I'm supposed to do

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 18, 2022Views: 313
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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