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The Language of Reality
Citation:   Bluevelvet. "The Language of Reality: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116908)". Jan 12, 2023.

3 g oral Mushrooms
It was a summer day in my city. One of those occasions where there's sun all day and me and my girlfriend were planning to have a mushroom trip, the first one for me.

She had just returned from a holiday and her flatmates were out that day, leaving us with the perfect setting. It was a house on two floors and a basement where she had her room. Outside there was space to hang out too.

We took a 3g dose of usual mushrooms which someone we knew had grown with peculiar care. It was around 2 pm. We decided to play cards outside until the mushrooms took effect. After 40 mins roughly, I decided that my brain was not in a state to play cards anymore and tried repeatedly to put the cards back in the box, to no avail. It seemed like I couldn't work out the right angle at which the cards would have gone in the box. Strange. That's when I knew the trip was starting.

I remember a slight nausea/weakness so I decided to lay on the sofa. After an hour or so I noticed that some elements of the room had taken a new vibrancy. Certain objects, especially colored, organic ones (not digital stuff) began to look interesting. Their color and shape was interesting to me and they featured an inner movement that made them enjoyable. I looked outside the window and the small clouds in the sky had purple fractals growing at the extremities. A very pleasant view.

Suddenly my strength was back and I felt energized and silly. There was a recurring thought in my head: a tiger - similar to the character in the cartoon Kung Fu Panda - which was practicing its Kung Fu moves. I found that hilarious and started giggling for a very long time.

After an hour or so we decided to lie down in the sun outside. I stayed like that for some time and at some point a piece of wood captured my attention. It was a small round piece of wood, nothing special really. I stayed looking at it and the creases in the woods started moving. They were organizing themselves in a sort of language, a runic alphabet that I couldn't understand. I interpreted it as the graphic manifestation of the timeless language in which the stories of the world were told. The most amazing thing to me was the sense of peace that I felt knowing that I couldn't understand it yet there was no need to do so. It didn't matter, it was only a manifestation of something bigger, something eternal and ever present. I told my girlfriend who in the meantime was wondering why I stared at a random piece of wood for 10 minutes. She found it fascinating.

Another clear visual was the wall outside that was moving horizontally (similarly to a Rubik's cube), reshuffling its bricks.
After some time, my girlfriend asked if I could go and buy her a lolly at the shops. As I went, I remember a sensation of calmness and peace that enveloped me. In the shop I tried to act normally, probably failing to be honest. It was difficult to reach things but I managed to buy the lolly and go back.

After some time (I think approximately 5 hours) the dogs started to wear off. So we decided it was cuddle time and we went downstairs. I'll spare the details but I can say that we had some amazing sex. There was a certain special connection that one feels few times.

Overall a fantastic experience.
- a safe quiet space
- a sunny day
- dear friend/partner - minimised encounters with external people
- good mushrooms
- sense of abandonment to where the trip would take me, tried to avoid negative thoughts that can spiral into darker places

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116908
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2023Views: 248
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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