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Best Day of My Life
Citation:   fingerlimes. "Best Day of My Life: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116977)". Feb 15, 2023.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms
This is my third time taking shrooms and the other two were 1.25 g each with nothing extremely noteworthy occurring either time other than feeling euphoric, smiling and laughing a lot at nothing, and being mind-blown by how wonderful music sounded. I was told by the person I purchased them from that they were slightly stronger than average, but I have no idea if they were a different species. I assumed they were cubes but not sure about strain. I decided to take a slightly higher amount than I had previously and took them with a friend who had never done shrooms before. I had fasted for about 24 hours beforehand and ate them with a glass of water with a ton of lemon juice in it at 1:15 pm.

After about 30 minutes I could feel myself coming up and I had the characteristic euphoric head feeling and began smiling like a fool at nothing. My friend had this colored banner on the wall which became basically the center of the universe, the colors were so vibrant and the words were coming out of the fabric the letter melted and warped. We eventually moved to the couch where for the duration of the peak we pointed out the visuals that we were having. The popcorn ceiling and patterns in the carpet were very much alive and ever moving. Colors were as beautiful as they've ever been. When I closed my eyes I would get pulsating visuals of colors and shapes. I came to the conclusion at some point that my physical body was just a possession that I own, no different than a car or apartment. We were laughing and smiling almost nonstop just in awe of the beauty of the things we saw. We watching some nature videos as we slowly came down about 2.5-3 hours after ingesting them and were struck by how beautiful everything was, and I was convinced that there was no way that these animals and plants could really exist on our planet. Forests were the most interesting for me to look at because I could not tell which tree was in front of which, it was as if it were equally likely that both trees were in front of the other. I realized at some point that I forgot that any other people existed besides who was in their apartment.

I ate a lemon drop candy, a couple raspberries, and a piece of pizza offered to me by my friend's roommate all of which blew my mind with their flavors and textures. After coming down most of the way, I went back to my own apartment, breathing the fresh air and watching the sunset through the trees on my walk filled me with such peace and gave me a new appreciation for being alive.

It was essentially the best day of my entire life.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 116977
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 15, 2023Views: 218
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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