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Hard Trip
Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Penis Envy)
Citation:   Gypsey. "Hard Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Penis Envy) (exp117833)". May 29, 2024.

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5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
I took about 5 grams of Penis Envy psycilocybin magic mushrooms. It was an interesting trip in parts. I had no dialogue nor questions for the mushroom, seemed to be like an alien intellachy or buzzing. Really enjoyed taking a warm shower and having the visuals.

Took it mostly for medicinal benefits, traumatized by western psychiatry and some events I'm not so proud of namely a political protest at the asylum which [was] an act of frustration.

Anyways I was glad I survived the ordeal I was tempted to call paramedics
I was tempted to call paramedics
as I felt I might be having health related problems, luckily I didn't and woke up energetic and glad I had the courage to do them. Sort of swore that would be last one. We'll see. It all depends on what events unfold.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 29, 2024Views: 16
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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