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One Month Microdosing Protocol
Tabernanthe Iboga
Citation:   BuddyJosh . "One Month Microdosing Protocol: An Experience with Tabernanthe Iboga (exp118336)". Oct 29, 2024.

600 - 700 mg oral Tabernanthe iboga (daily)
Iboga One Month Microdosing Protocol

I took iboga most recently at precisely 600-700mg per day, every morning when I'd wake up until it (36g) was gone. Took me around a month give or take a few days.

I thought that it had changed my behaviors. Around beginning with it I began putting a good effort into my daily routine again as I hadn't been so focused. I started making more of an effort with brushing daily, going on walks daily, working out, going to bed on time to get proper sleeping. I noticed that by the end of my trip I got to see myself get better at doing these things regularly, although to start I just wanted to quit doing some things that cost me too much money to keep spending on. I learned over the month to use less kratom, smoking lots of weed. I'm not buying things uncontrollably, and unwise as I was earlier. I can now handle myself better that way. I'm now focusing on holding everything together with my low money. I'd say I'm doing well. I am not buying compulsively, some of my actions have changed as if maturing. In the last month I also gave up on relying on my dad for cash. I decided to give it some distance and go handle my issues myself. I don't like him.

Altogether I'm happier with myself than where it started from nearly one month earlier from now. One thing I noticed that changed over that time period is my idea of friendship. Now I look back at all the time I spent wanting someone, a new friend, a girlfriend, a family. What I saw is that I can surpass that boundary issue. I can look past it all and get over friendships outside of me altogether. I now am clear inside that all I need is to take care of me, even to have more personal space. I feel like more a man who has pride and can handle his own. I felt my family was letting me down as well as others. I'm more focused on me and I feel more distance from them than ever. Which I think is good, I needed it. I can clearly see a lifelasting difference in me, the same temptations don't hold me back. I feel much needed pressure release. I did something that makes me happy.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118336
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 29, 2024Views: 15
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Tabernanthe iboga (200) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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