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Cure for Insomnia?
Citation:   Ranma Saotome. "Cure for Insomnia?: An Experience with Kava (exp11876)". Jan 9, 2020.

120 mg oral Kava (tea)
    oral Catnip (tea)
Let me start from the bottom. I'm not really a drug user, but I did used to smoke a lot of cannabis. I eventually stopped because I didn't wish to get arrested. I then found a reputable harm reduction website with an Experience Vault and discovered the natural, legal highs that I can get. After reading a couple of reports, I decided to try out Kava.

I live in a small town, so I didn't really expect to be able to find any. A trip to Ralphs proved me wrong when I discovered a Kava tea that was being sold there. I bought 1 pack containing 24 bag of kava tea. Each bag contained 60mg of kava at 30% kavalactones. It also contains catnip which may have altered the effects. Having decided that 60mg was too little, and anything over 200mg would be too much, I decided to brew 2 bags for a total of 120mg. I have an extremely low tolerance to cannabis, so I thought that it would be the same for kava, and it was. I ingested the citris flavored beverage after brewing for 10 minuets. Immediately after taking the first sip, I noticed my tongue grew numb. I then chugged down the rest.

At first, I didn't notice any affects. Feeling like I had been ripped off, I sat down and began to watch Akira. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to feel REALLY drowsy. It's not that my limbs felt like they were heavy, like with cannabis, but more like it felt so good that I didn't want to move them. This 'buzz' continued on for 30 minuets, getting stronger each minuet. I then gave into it and fell asleep. This is really amazing for me because I suffer from severe insomnia and have tried to use things such as Valerian Root to help me, but to no avail. This was the best sleep I had ever gotten in my life. I woke up feeling slightly disoriented, but overall really euphoric.

Since then, I have used kava many times with each time being just as effective as the last time. So in closing, kava has cured my insomnia and improved my grades at school.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11876
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2020Views: 987
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Kava (30) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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