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Losing My Ego Alone In The Forest
Citation:   Hiatus99. "Losing My Ego Alone In The Forest: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp12060)". Dec 27, 2004.

5.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Note: I am an experienced psychedelic explorer.

It’s been about 6 months since I had my life-changing mushroom experience. I have gone through a lot of changes in that time, including moving to Vancouver from Ontario, dealing with the intense feeling that I don’t want to work, and quitting my weed habit for 6 weeks. I’m 23 years old, 145 pounds and healthy, except for smoking.

Prior to my solitary camping trip I had been working as a computer programmer for a local Internet startup. I needed to get away for a while, away from the monitor, the stress, and the noise. I planned the whole experience, including taking a tape recorder to record the experience. I wasn’t planning on ingesting the 5 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms, but I took them with me “just in case.”

The chosen Friday was before a long weekend, which gave me lots of time to recover (but later proved to be far too short.) After work, I drove an hour or two away from my apartment towards a laky area and setup camp. I made a small fire, ate a little meal, and went to bed around 11:00pm. I got up the next morning and saw the sun rise. The mosquitos were out in numbers, biting me all over my body. I slathered muskol all over myself, and made the unfortunate mistake of getting some on my lips and in my mouth – bad mistake – my lips and tongue swelled up for about an hour and a half.

After collecting wood, cutting wood, making a fire, I found myself quite bored and alone. I think that is when I conceived the idea that consuming a large amount of shrooms would be an appropriate healing experience to put myself through - being surrounded by nature, and all. As usual though, endless boaters plowed through the lake, metres from the campfire I had burning.

Without much hesitation I mixed the 5 grams of shrooms in with breakfast - some baked beans - and began eating. When I was done, I felt the initial placebo effect I usually perceive when I take psychedelics. It’s like a little snapshot of what the experience is going to be like. After about 15 minutes the effects came on and slowly rose up within me, bubbling with energy. The body effects were strong. My face throbbed with vibrating pulses of energy.

But as the effects grew stronger and more intense, the enormosity of what I had done hit me with full force. I spun into a negative mind loop where I felt like I was becoming schizophrenic. Thus, the next hour was spent convincing myself to go to hospital, alternating between not going to hospital. It was a rather frightening experience, the kind where I feel that someone with a weaker identity could seriously damage their mental health. However, I knew that going to the hospital was NOT the right thing to do at this point, as I am a fairly experienced tripper, and I navigated my way through it.

Suddenly, this realization hit me, and my trip turned around 180 degrees. My intuition told me that my imagination was being my enemy, and I had to work with it to calm it down. My intuition then told me that moving around was also causing the body effects to be heightened. I sat down on my small fold-out camping chair, and stared at the fire. This is when things began to get interesting. For starters, the audio field went very quiet. I could still hear sounds, but the intermittent silence between that was much deeper than usual. This trip was so intense! The mushroom revealed itself to me in the form of a magnificent white tiger. I was able to morph into the tiger consciousness, but I could not control it. My girlfriend told me the next day that when she saw me she I looked like a wild cat.

After the tiger presented itself to me, I was shown the history of psilocybin use by Native Americans in the area hundreds of years before. I could feel the earth speaking to me, and the plants telling me their role in my life. As I looked at the lake beside me, I became one with the universe and my surroundings. I said to myself “Oh my god, this is it” and I slid out of my ego and into the one consciousness. I attempted to describe the experience to the tape recorder the whole time.

It was breathless. That pure stillness that permeated my being was peaceful and luxurious. I think it was possibly pure light energy. I felt like I was talking to the deeper personalities of Christ, Krishnamurti (preferred teacher), and family members. I could communicate with them telekinetically. My favourite one, which made me giggle to myself, was my 3 year-old cousin. Her deep personality was so liquidy, waxy, and humorous.

After that I started to come down. The transfer from oneness to psychedelia was very quick, but the lingering psychedelic effects lasted for another 36 hours after that.

It was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had. So intense, that it almost sent me to hospital, and caused me to think I was going to be schizophrenic for life. If one is thinking of doing this many shrooms, be careful! They’re not toys - after my intense trip, the next day I had a small psychotic episode, and tried to leave town alone. It was very harmful to those close to me.

All in all I do not regret the experience, but afterwards I vowed not to do psychedelic drugs again, saying that they were a false look at a reality that is not readily accessible to us in everyday consciousness. To this day I have not taken any drugs other than pot, and alcohol. But I think I may try DMT or something similar soon.

Peace, Love, and Happiness!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 27, 2004Views: 9,592
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Mushrooms (39) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Hangover / Days After (46), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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