Three Phases to a New Life
Citation:   T. Smith. "Three Phases to a New Life: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp13100)". Mar 11, 2005.

4.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
Date: Thanksgiving Break, Friday
Drug: The Almighty Mushroom
Time: 9PM

This was the Thanksgiving of my first year away from home at college. I met up with a couple of my best friends from high school and we decided to get a bag of shrooms. We knew a friend who had a large quantity of great hydroponic shrooms. So the 3 of us (Me, A and M) bought 10g of shrooms.

9 PM - We all pop a cap, A & M leave to go to the store to buy a beer. I stay at the house playing Tony Hawk 3 on the Playstation 2. They are gone for about 30minutes or so. During this time I consumed between 4 and 5 grams. I noticed the effects starting to coming on. The game was beginning to look surreal.

9:30 - A&M get back, we drink a couple beers while playing video games. I force feed A a little more than 3g of shrooms, M eats the rest (a little over 2g).

10:30 - I'm feeling really good. My trip is coming on strong and I'm really happy. It felt like there was a dense cloud inside of my body that was made of pure happiness. We decide to go to a party and pile into A's car. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] We drive around for a while listening to Incubus' Morning View. More specifically the last song on the CD, Aqueous Transmission. For those who haven’t heard it, it is a great song to listen to while drugged up. Really peaceful relaxing music, set the mood perfectly. I notice while riding shotgun that I can see in the dark, I can see very far and it isn’t really dark outside (to me).

10:45 - We arrive at the party safe. Lots of people, good looking girls, beer, pot and fun. I drink 3 or 4 more beers and smoke a number of bowls while here. The girl who's house we were at had a dijeredoo and played it. It was euphoric, one of the greatest sounds I have ever heard. She showed me how to play it and that was even cooler.

1:30 - We leave the party. I'm feeling beyond euphoric. I'm tripping really hard. M is tired so A starts driving towards his house. I start getting very confused at this point. I begin to lose my grip on reality. I don't know what real is. I feel very compelled to do something but I don't know what. I repeatedly described to my friends feeling like I had to find the answer to a question, but I didn't know what the question was. All I knew was that I had to find the answer. I'd been confused about a number of things since I left for college and now it was all coming back to me along with a plethora of other questions I could not answer.

1:45 - Almost at M's house. A and I are having a discussion about how people weren’t real (meaning that the persona [face, guise, etc...] they use when around others isn’t who they really are), it's hard to remember exactly how the conversation went but it was deep, really deep.

1:50 - At M's house, I'm holding back tears.

1:51 - M gone, just me and A (best friend from high school) now. The feelings inside become too much and I start to cry. I feel really sad and depressed. A talks to me and tries to calm me down. I'm feeling alone and worthless. Trip has taken a total 180. Not only am I in a pit of despair but we have another problem. We have no marijuana to calm me down with (yet another tragedy). We drive around for awhile and talk. I start to feel a little better but still sad.

2:45 - We get a call from a friend, G, who has some weed. By this time I've stopped crying and feel better. In fact I now feel great, I feel refreshed, renewed and like a whole new person. We pick up G and with him go to J's (another friend) house. We get to J's and G goes inside while A and I talk outside. I tell him about some of the resolutions I had made and one of the problems that had bothered me so much that I had solved.

3:10 - The problem that had been plaguing me was what to do with my life. I had no idea what I wanted to major in before the trip but afterwards I had a lot confidence in my future. I decided to I wanted to pursue a career in Psychology or Philosophy. (I am currently taking classes in both and have fallen in love with both subjects.) The prospect of being a psychologist interested me very much and still does today (3 and a half months later). I also decided that I needed a creative outlet, desperately. A and a couple other close friends of mine are musicians and I decided that I wanted to learn to play an instrument, particularly the guitar. I am just starting to play and it has been great. I also am starting to experiment with writing, another interest brought forth by my trip. I haven’t done much writing yet, but I'm working on it.

Conclusion: Mushrooms are a powerful substance and they changed my life. Since my trip I've been much happier with my life and have gained a new sense of confidence. I can only offer two pieces of advice: Don't trip alone and be prepared if you eat a lot. Other than that munch some caps, sit back and enjoy the ride!


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2005Views: 6,450
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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