Spiritual Experience (Original, Eh?)
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Former Pot-Fiend. "Spiritual Experience (Original, Eh?): An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp13131)". Erowid.org. Feb 18, 2005. erowid.org/exp/13131

1.0 g oral Mushrooms
  0.5 g smoked Cannabis
This is an account of my first, and so far only, mushroom experience. Prior to this experience, I had been worried about my social addiction to marijuana, as not a day went by when I didn't yearn to get stoned.

Anyway, after discussing mushrooms with a friend who had previously tried them, I said that I was curious to try them sometime in the future. A few days later, I got a call from that friend who told me that we could try them within a day. After much indecision, I agreed, and headed off to his place, with the company of a few friends.
That night, I ended up eating a gram, as did my friend and two others. I only really knew 2 of the other three trippers, and I hated one of them.

I guess it was about 15 minutes after eating that I suddenly realized that I was feeling a bit weird. My feet went numb and I began to feel like I was a conduit for spiritual energy. I had to move around a lot, because the spiritual energy shifted, and I wanted to stay in the flow. I also began to see swirling geometrical shapes on the floor. One of my friends, who was sober, asked me what I was looking at, and if I was hallucinating. Although it seems odd to me now, I didnt think that I was hallucinating, that the patterns had always been there, I had just never noticed them.
Shortly afterwards, I had begun to feel energetic, and went downstairs to play the piano. After a short discussion with the piano, I proceeded to play, and the music sounded so . . . euphoric. I felt the sensation that someone was laughing just over my right shoulder, although no one was there. I looked over my right shoulder and saw three spiritual entities, whom I assume to be manifestations of the universal conciousness (god, if you insist). Oddly, I didnt pay them any attention, didn't attempt communication (I'm still kicking myself), and continued to play the piano.

After an incredible surge of energy which blasted me back to reality some 2 hours and thousands of anecdotes later, I had a moment of self reflection. During the trip I lost my claustrophobia, lost my fear of spirits, lost my fear of dark, and lost my flinching reflex. (Usually I flinch when someone snaps their fingers two blocks away, but during the trip I was immune to external stimulus.)

Now here comes my moment of pride: After the trip I no longer even think about marijuana. It went from the center of my life to just some waste of time that occasions me rarely. It is now almost 3 months later and I have only been stoned twice, and only because I am apparently really fun to be stoned with, so my friends talked me into it.

Aftermath: More spiritual
Lost several addictions (computer games included)
Feel more confident, artistic, and creative.

Overall View on This particular drug: It can be good or bad, depending on how you use it (recreation vs. spiritual)

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13131
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2005Views: 13,376
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Health Benefits (32), General (1)

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