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Becoming Microscopic Blue Balls
Mushrooms, Salvia divinorum (5x extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Sherman Shroomy. "Becoming Microscopic Blue Balls: An Experience with Mushrooms, Salvia divinorum (5x extract) & Cannabis (exp13406)". Feb 22, 2005.

T+ 0:59
1.33 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 3:00 2 hits smoked Heimia salicifolia (extract - 5x)
  T+ 0:59   smoked Cannabis  
It was a friday afternoon like any other, until me and 2 friends decided to get an ego death on shrooms and smoke salvia on the plateau of this ego death.

21:00: We're in one of my friend's house and we bought everything we needed the afternoon before. We got 4 grams of hawaiian mushrooms and 0.5 grams of Salvia 5x extract. Also, a bag o'weed, weighing 2.5 grams, filled with the 90% sativa Kalimist.
The three of us each rolled a nice joint, and we lit it. The evening started. In an hour, we will eet our supper: hawaiian mushrooms.

22:15: We started to eat the mushrooms, there were three of us, so we each ate 1.33 grams of those shrooms. We chewed and we chewed, for half an our. We swallowed it, and then we knew, the next 7 hours will be one journey of a lifetime.

22:55: The shrooms started to take control. The three of us all were on a beautiful and nice level 3 plateau. I saw the open-eyed distortions and hallucinations, and I felt totally relaxed.

23:40: This moment the ego dissolve came. It was the moment we rised from level 3 to level 4, and I feel my inner thoughts hook up and forget many things that just happened. The possibility to pronounce each sentence the right way is affected; every sentence I say, seems to come out of my mouth with a different tone and emotion hidden in it than I meant to say. This way, having a fluid conversation isn't really an option. We talked in sentences with only one word in it, but there was this mental connection that made us able to think as one entity. The three of our minds connected and we operated as one being, both physically (as in: unconscious symmetric movements) and mentally (as in: knowing what the other is thinking about and react to what the other was about to say).

1:25: At this moment, the ego dissolve has turned into a full-powered ego death. Communication wasn't even an option at this point. I will now try to describe what an ego death is like. My mind is only able to think and operate with the mental command to think one word. Because of the abstraction of this one-word thought, I instantly forget what I was thinking. This way, talking is out of the option, since I need to operate my brain into giving the command to talk, which has many different suboperations to really be able to talk. In an ego death, vision, taste, thoughts, every sense unifies with the others. My brain isn't able to distinguish the senses from each other. It's quite an experience :D:D:D

3:00: We we're still in the ego death, but we got a little more adapted to the new state of mind. We we're able to fill a rainforest-wooden hashpipe with some salvia. We hit the salvia, and we each flew off into our own personal hyperspace. One of my friends, Alucard, He hit the salvia first. He had an experience of his body splitting into thousands of little pieces, each carrying a visionpoint. Basically, he became a being that was actually thousands of little beings, each having a vision he could see, and control them as one being. Fanneh, my other friend, his experience was that in a flash, he became the universe itself and everything in it. After that moment, he became an exploding supernova and unified with the universe in his mind.

My experience hitting the salvia in an ego death however, went like this: after the first hit of salvia, I saw the universe before me change, the building blocks of vision altered. Everything was made of little, microscopically small blue balls, that altered in form in every geometrical way all the time. I managed to fill the little hashpipe again and take another hit of the salvia before the peak experience of the first hit came. After that moment, I just leaned against a pillow, sitting on a bed against the wall, and I instantly became an enormous cube, existing out of these strange blue buildingblocks of life. I felt like I was 1x1x1 mile or something, I was immensely big. My body felt like the thing, and I felt I was laying on a endless field made of think, massive wood. I thought about nothing, at that moment I just thought. I'm a block. Hmm. I'm a block. An object like that just can't think anything else. After that, I saw organic treeroot-like living patterns. I perceived them as some sort of entity. I had a perspective from above those roots, but then I lowered my vision angle to see a 3d overview of my trip. I saw the roots were part of a big, orange, living tree. I had telepathic contact with that tree, the tree had a character somehow like a reflection of my own.

Then the salvia wore off. And I was still in my ego death. The shrooms eventually wore off too and communication was possible again. We talked about all our experiences while smoking some weed.

6:00: We made some breakfast.

11:00: We each went home.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13406
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2005Views: 8,684
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Mushrooms (39), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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