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Lost Beach Party
by N.A
Citation:   N.A. "Lost Beach Party: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp14599)". Apr 1, 2005.

3.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I was craving it all weekend. It's been about four months since my last shroom experience. I think I've only had one positive experience and the rest were the resemblance of Hell. But when I consume shrooms, it's like a continuation of a story from the last time I took them. The story must be told through me.

I was supposed to go to a beach party. It was a clear but chilly night so I dressed warm and consumed my shrooms before I headed out. My ride never showed up so I began to walk. The kick in of the shroom didn't begin until I was half way there. I began to get really excited about socializing with everyone under the influence. The stars were shining brightly. My whole body, mind and soul felt so together, so complete.
Nothing could take me down tonight (or so I thought.)

I passed a convenience store on the way to the beach. There was a young girl sitting on the doorstep of the store even though it was closed. I decided to go over and say hello. We chatted for a little while and she had no idea at the beginning that I was stoned but as our conversation continued she knew something was up.
'Are you drunk?', she asked.
I thought it would be best to say that so I told her that I had a lot to drink. I became really tired so I lied down on the stairs as we chatted away. I should not have done that because as I was looking up at the stars, I began to trip out because I saw these lines streaking across the sky (I know now that they were power lines above me.)
Anyway, the streaky lines changed my way of thinking. I began to wonder about what does this life all mean. And as I talked to this kid, she kept on telling me about all of her hopes and dreams. This made me sad because I felt her dreams would never come true even though she did nothing wrong to deserve this.

Then about seven other young kids began to walk up to the closed down store. The shroom experience was becoming too powerful for me so I decided to go in the back of the store to throw up. However I had no success. Nothing was coming up. I knew I was going to freak out or something in front of these kids so I knew I had to keep walking towards the beach. I decided to take a short cut through the back trail in the pitch black. I know now that this was a mistake because I was remembering stories about coyotes hanging around in these parts. This was not a good mind set to be in when you are in the woods at night but it became worse. Suddenly I had trouble keeping my eyes open. I felt weak and tired and it felt like I was losing consciousness.
'I'm dying I said to myself. It's the only explanation! I'm dying!'

I was totally freaked now. I began to run as fast as I could through the woods. The thoughts of dying from the shrooms I consumed and then having these dogs pick my bones was not how I wanted it all to end. All I wanted to do was get to this stinking beach party. After running through some deep mud puddles and finally making it out of the woods I made it up to the front of the beach. However no one was there. People were traveling on four wheeler and they asked me how to get to this party. I had no idea. Soon I decided I just wanted to go home. I had enough of this. I ran into someone I new from high school many years ago and asked him if he could give me a ride home. I told him what I had done and I told him that I thought I was dying. He was with a girl in his back seat and he said he would need about ten minutes. I didn't care for his answer too much because I was passing out on the trunk of his car. I decided to forget him and I began to jog home.

I reached the old store where I was at earlier. I noticed that I forgot my gloves at the door step so I picked them up. As it happened, there was a taxi cab in the parking lot. I knocked on the window and asked for a drive. The young taxi cab driver was with three good looking women. I told him what I had done but the girls seemed to take more interest in what I had done. She let me sit beside her inside the parked taxi cab and then she put her arm around me and began to flirt with me. This changed my mood for a few minutes but all I wanted to do was go home. After about twenty minutes with talking to the girls and the taxi cab driver in the parking lot, the guy gave me a drive home. He didn't charge me, which I was extremely grateful for.

But maybe I should of stayed with the girls. Because when I went in the house I told my parents what I had done. They didn't even know what a shroom was so they took me to the hospital. After seeing a doctor and about two hours in the waiting room we left the hopital. But I didn't mind being there. My dad and I talked deeper than we ever had. He told me stories about when he was around twenty, which was something he never talked about with me. It was sort of nice. After we left the hospital, I told him that I was in a sociable mood and I wanted to go to the night club. So he dropped me off and hung out there for an hour. I enjoyed the atmosphere there better than running in the woods.
After the bar closed, I bought a nine inch pizza and took a cab home. I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning listening to my walkman.

Normally I'm pretty a quiet guy. Nothing much ever happens to me. But sometimes I need a change whether it's for the better or for the worse. But a warning to you all who consume shrooms. You should be with your friends before you consume them. Because you could end up not finding them and who knows what could happen to you. You're bound for an interesting night to say the least, but don't underestimate the power of the shroom.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 1, 2005Views: 13,003
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Mushrooms (39) : Families (41), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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