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A Night With Tobin's
Citation:   PhaT Kyle. "A Night With Tobin's: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp14827)". Jul 11, 2002.

80 oral Mushrooms (fresh)
This story takes place back in October of 2001. I am hoping that this entry will help people decide whether they want to experiment with this powerful psycological drug or not. I personally have a lot of fun when on shrooms, but that is me, not you.

It all began in the early morning when one of my friends (Prozac) and I decided to skip school and go out to Tobin's Field to pick some mushrooms, since it was in season. Now Tobin's field, believe it or not, was rated 3rd best shrooms in North America in the 'High Times' magazine. Not many people know that Cape Breton, NS has been recognized for that. So we went out in the early morning to get a head start on any other shroom hunters, but without luck, barely picked over a hundred. A hundred of these is more than enough to have a 'above average' trip. So we left unsatisfied, but he decided to give the entire bag to me, since I had never tried Tobin's shrooms. He also made it very clear to do them all myself, and not give any away, so I would have a great trip.

Later that night I went to my girlfirend's (MUFFY) apartment. There were quite a few people there, and a few of them helped me dry out the shrooms so they wouldn't be slimy and would be fresh tasting in my mouth. Muffy really wanted to try Tobin's shrooms with me, and after much hesitation, I gave in. I gave her 50 and I kept 50. We put them in a pizza we ordered and started munching down. After eating a slice or 2, the taste was really unbearable, and she gave up on eating them, and handed them to me. I finshed what she hadn't along with mine, probably a total of 80 shrooms. When I finished eating, they left a very uneasy feeling in my stomach, and I ended up puking them all out into the toilet. Regardless of that, I still had the most intense trip of my life.

About an hour later, I could feel the onset coming. Just like acid, my legs and arms started to get a feeling of restlessness in them. My legs involuntarily started to tap the floor, and my hands couldn't stop moving and touching things. Soon after I started to feel a little nausea in the pit of my stomach, which is only natural. Muffy, however, didn't seem to have started yet. Gradually after that everything started to develop a green tint. White walls turned a pale green, and darker colors were a putrid color. After that, everyone besides Muffy and our friends Gordo and Splerge, had left. Splerge was almost as familiar with hallucinogens as I was, so he (in a way) knew what we were going through. He sat down on the bed beside Muffy and I, his face also with a pale green color to it; as if he was feeling ill. He was watching the TV with us, and had his hand on his chin tapping his lips with his fingers - much like you do at school on your desk when you're bored. I turned away from the TV towards his face, only to see a huge black spider tapping its leg's against his face. I blinked once, and it was gone. By this time Muffy was starting to trip as well, but not as intensely as I was. She had the physical feelings I did, but no visual hallucinations.

After the spider incident I started to have more visuals, and I felt like I was in a dream world, yet everyone I was with couldn't imagine what I was feeling. Even the air smelled and seemed a little thicker. Of course, that might be because I was smoking about every 2 minutes. Throughout the night we had smoked a few grams of weed, which intensified the trip. After smoking about 2 grams, I started to have better and more complex visuals. I had looked out the bedroom window through a window screen, and was lost in thought and pure amazement at what I saw out there. Now, beside the apartment, there is a tall building (about 30-40 stories) and a long paved driveway/parking lot with 7' street lamps. The rest of the road is lined with hotels. When I looked out the window through the screen, I felt like I was in space. The cars driving by on the road were a little higher up than us, so it appeared that they had no wheels, that they were almost flying. And the atmosphere alone outside seemed almost space-like. I spent the next hour being fascinated with what I saw outside. Muffy didnt see it, and I knew at the time it wasn't real, but I was still no less amazed.

Then the night took a turn for the worst. I could tell Muffy was tripping like I was now. But then she started to seem a little uneasy. We moved out into the living room, and by that time she seemed a little upset. She wanted some air, and even though we tried to talk her out of it, she went out onto the fire escape to get some air. She closed the door behind her, which made us a little worried that she might fall off or get injured. She came back in about 5 minutes later because it was too cold. The rest of the night she spent mostly in her room, laying on the bed trying to sober herself up.

Now for all the people who haven't tried shrooms yet, you cannot sober yourself up like when your stoned off weed. You have to let the trip wear off, as hard as it is sometimes to wait. And no matter how you feel, or what your mind thinks, you're not going to die.

It was now about 6-8 hours after we had eaten the shrooms, and mine were coming down a little bit, but I could tell she was still on the plateau. I tried laying down with her in bed, coaxing her to try and fall asleep. She started to have flashbacks on her life, but on all the negative points. She was remembering all the friends she had lost and felt guilty; she remembered the years she had dropped out of college and felt helpless and worthless, etc. About a half hour after I had laid down with her she started crying about all these things, as if they would haunt her forever, and she was very scared. I felt as if I had to stay awake until she fell asleep, or she would try something stupid like wandering off alone, or even suicide. Whether she would have or not, I don't know; but the experiences she was having that night, and the mental state she was in because of the drugs made me worry tremendously. After about an hour of listening to her continue her stories of how her life was going down the hole, she finally was able to fall asleep. The next morning she remembered everything that happened, and has never done shrooms since. Even if she begged me to let her again, I'd sooner cut off my hands than let her.

So as you can tell by reading this story, shrooms are not for everyone. The only way to find out what will happen to you is to try them. I myself have always had pleasureful experiences, and great visuals from shrooms, and will continue to do them whenever I get the chance. But that experience she had changed her in a way, especially for the next month or so.

So have fun - experiment with drugs as much as you want- but just be careful. And always remember that NOTHING is real when you are on shrooms, it's all the drug and your mental state, and it will end - you just have to stick it out for a few hours.

Helpful tips for people who decide to try it for the first time:

1) Take a little at first until you feel you can handle more, then take more.
2)You are going to be thinking like you have never thought before. About things you have never thought of before. Don't let anything you think of scare you.
3) Go into your trip excited to do it. You'll have a great trip. If you go into it nervous that you'll have a bad trip, it's more likely that you will.
4) Try and have fun, no matter how you feel.
5) No matter what you think, no one will know you are on shrooms unless someone tells them. So don't worry about passing by a cop. If anything he'll think you're drunk and that's it. Unfortunately, when you're on shrooms, you're too paranoid to realize this.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14827
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2002Views: 14,830
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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