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I Enjoy My Trip Better if I...
by LC
Citation:   LC. "I Enjoy My Trip Better if I...: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp14987)". Apr 28, 2022.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Helping Myself Enjoy Mushrooms

I've done Mushrooms 5 times, and I can count all 5 of them as worthwhile experiences. 3 were just complete fun where there was almost a euphoric feeling involved, 1 was so visually stunning and mentally involving that even though it was laced with confusion and jitters at times it was my favorite trip, and the other one was colder and done without enough preperation but at no time was I wishing for a return to normalcy. I enjoy my trip better if I...

* completely free myself from any kind of commitment or chance of commitment for the day. I turn off the phone, I don't trust myself to remember to ignore it later in the day.

* make sure I have everything that I might need on hand. If I have a full pack of smokes, I may feel like mixing with the sober public, but thats a big if.....

* Don't stare in the mirror for extended periods of time.

* Pick a nice day to do them. Rain, Snow, Wind, and other normal weather cycles take a sinister demeanor at times when mother natures overlooked occurences are all of a sudden magnified.

* Have good music on hand ( a no-brainer ) it's a complete different experience

* Keep a notebook in case I have any earth-shattering thoughts throughout the day. I at one time was sure I figured out the concept of time in a new groundbreaking way but I didn't have a clue as to why or what later on.

* a good way to get my visuals started is to look at a pattern of some sort ( brick wall or garden etc....) once it starts shifting and breathing everything else is bound to follow.

Anyway just a few things that help me to enjoy it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14987
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2022Views: 433
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Mushrooms (39) : Personal Preparation (45), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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