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Seeing the World in a New Light
Citation:   Deweys Gurl. "Seeing the World in a New Light: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp16141)". Jul 21, 2005.

3.0 g oral Mushrooms
Magic mushrooms… I never really understood why they called them that until about a month ago when I had my first experience with the 'shrooms'…

At this point in my life, the only other thing I'd ever done was smoked weed, so I was definitely nervous about it and to be honest the thought of doing shrooms had never really crossed my mind… I mean sure I'd heard of them but I'd never been around them or anything. Until that day, me and a bunch of my friends were sitting at our friend M's house. We were actually kinda bored and had absolutely nothing to do when a friend of ours came over with the goods. =)

He sat down and pulled out 3 big Ziploc bags full of mushrooms. My heart automatically stopped! I'd never even seen them before and now all of a sudden here's a shitload sitting right in front of me. My first thought was there's NO way I can do this, but then a more relaxed feeling of excitement came over me. A thrill of not knowing and wondering how great it really was. He showed them to us and I have to admit they look AWFUL! They were almost black with a little bit of a purplish-blue tint to them (THA FIRE) as he liked to call it. Finally we all decided that we would eat some (we had nothing better to do). So we boiled 1 Ziploc bag of the shrooms to make Kool-Aid with and decided we'd just eat the rest.

I decided I'd watch my friends eat them first just to see they're reaction and when I saw how my boyfriend and his best friend (they are very experienced druggies) ate them like candy I figured 'What the hell? Can't be that bad right' So I took a handful and tossed them back with a glass of orange juice. Although they didn't taste good by any means, they weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. After about 30 minutes or so my entire mouth tasted just like them and I craved more! I ended up eating about 25 or 30 and drinking about 2 big glasses of the Kool-Aid. At this point they were the greatest tasting thing I'd ever had. After we ran out of the shrooms we all sat back and waited for them to kick in.

I'm guessing it was about 45 minutes or an hour later (I'm not sure because after a certain point I lost absolutely all conception of time) that my stomach began to feel a little queasy and I began getting paranoid. I started to worry that maybe I had eaten to many and that these mushrooms would eat away at my stomach. 'What if they are poisonous?' I tried to take control of my self and focus on something else and eventually the feeling in my stomach did go away.

That's when everything started to change… the walls and the floor and the ceiling seemed to breathing in and out… in and out… everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion and I could not even understand a word that anyone was saying. I lit a cigarette and I swear it seemed like the longer I smoked it… the longer the cigarette got! I remember wondering if it would ever go out. I watched the smoke rise from my cigarette and form weird shapes and pictures.

The best part of it all was the colors! Everything became much brighter and nothing was dull color anymore… Everything looked neon. Bright pinks, and purples and greens it was amazing! Every time something would move it would be like a spectrum of colors trailing behind it. Once it got dark we turned out all of the lights in the house and my boyfriend busted out the glowsticks… I'd watched him do it before and usually it'd be cool but after about 15 minutes I'd get bored with it… NOT THIS TIME! It felt like we watched him for hours. We had the techno in the background and you couldn't see anything but the glowsticks. I felt like I was floating around in the universe somewhere with shooting stars flying by me. As I was sitting on the couch I got the sensation that I was actually floating through air. I could not take my eyes off of this show. It was and still is the most amazing thing I've ever seen or felt in my life. At that moment nothing else mattered and I felt like nothing else ever would matter again. Everything in the world was supposed to be just like this. No worries, no fighting, just loving myself and the entire world around me.

I continued to see visuals and wild colors and many more incredible things all night and finally when I did close my eyes to go to sleep it were as if my eyes were transparent and I could see right through my eyelids. After tossing and turning trying to keep my mind on sleeping instead of all of the amazing things going on around me I focused my mind on the light show I'd seen earlier. And with that one thought it were as if I were actually sitting in there and he'd never stopped. I remember opening my eyes to see if I actually was sitting on the couch again. After about an hour and a half of laying in bed I must have passed out. It was hard to tell because it was as if I was as if my body was sleeping but my mind was still going and my eyes were still watching. That night I had many incredible dreams and I didn't want to wake up from it ever.

I would definitely say that my experience was a very wonderful one. I can not wait until I can do it again but to be honest I don't see how it could ever live up to this one.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16141
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2005Views: 5,779
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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