Road Trip
by q3
Citation:   q3. "Road Trip: An Experience with Mushroom (exp16869)". Jul 13, 2018.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
It began like any other car trip with a stop at a gas station for some snacks, and I and my other friend decided to bring some chocolates along. Him and I both at them, and someone else drove. They were really good chocolates.

About 15 minutes into the journey I began to feel light already. I knew this was going to be a good trip right away. About 15 minutes after that I got the giggles beyond belief. My friend was talking on the phone and all I could do was laugh at every word he said. The feeling was unexplainable. It felt like the combination of being tickled, while hearing the funniest joke at the same time. This went on for a good 10 minutes. I lauged at regular intervals throughout the trip.

Then after about 45 minutes from injestion there came amazing visuals. I remember specifically listening to the Chemical Brothers in the car. There was a series of billboards that lined themelves up in the distance and they began to sprout tops to them that created a giant spectrum analyzer across the horizon. The visuals had kicked in a little before hand when I noticed that my eyes began to lose focus in rhythm to the music. It made an illusion that the lights were glowing to the beats. They became more and more intense until I knew it peaked, about 2 hours after injestion. I was sitting in the back of the car driving late at night, when I hallucenated myself in the middle of a green field. There was a a forrest in the distance, and tall green grass all around me. As I turned my head I did not see the car or the road. I saw this pasture I had teleported to. Then I snapped out of it. I didn't know what had just happened. I felt I had gone to another world, even if just for an instant. It was great. Upon arrival we watched 'Waking Life,' an excellent movie to watch coming down I must say.

These were the strongest shrooms I've ever had. I have been told the difference between shrooms and LSD is that on shrooms you know are hallucenating. On LSD, you can't tell yourself that. The shrooms I had truly enlightened me. I couldn't tell what was real, fake, or anything. The only things that I know really happened that night was we left and arrived. Everything else was just giant crazyness. It was great. I'd most definately do that again, and again, and again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16869
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2018Views: 688
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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