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Natural Resistance?
Citation:   DwarfCubensis. "Natural Resistance?: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp17266)". May 9, 2018.

  repeated oral Mushrooms (fresh)
I happenned to be in the happy circumstance of obtaining some mushroom growing kits, completely legally, and which required some input from myself to bring them to fruition.

I'm not sure about the legal status of these kits anywhere other than where I am but it seems to be that you can get them, grow them and eat them, but if you prepare them for consumption (i.e. dry, cook etc) then they become illegal. I've effectively countered this (I think) by having them growing inside my room and eating them as I feel.

I'm not quite sure what type though. The growth seems to be a shroom which ends up about 10cm high with a small top (this is when it spores), and a fringe about 1-2cm below the cap. The stalk varies but is at least half a cm in diameter varying to 'Grand Dady' which was 1.25 or a bit less. Light brown cap, high humidity, some sun.

I've had a few packs to consume and have found that taking too many at once, and especially too many at once over a short period of time diminishes the experience totally. Three or four of the finer ones works very well, and the thing is I can pick them the next day.

Every time I take the dose I've learned to be right for me I have an awesome visual and 'deep' experience, not just the carpets or the curtains spinning but a real folding into what others are talking about, and an ability to understand them despite my own inbuilt prejudices.

A hit of THC with this maybe too much, and THC and something on my taste-buds like Red wine makes me very thirsty for cool, clear water.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17266
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2018Views: 806
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Personal Preparation (45), Unknown Context (20)

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