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So Many Colors
Citation:   Handsome B Potsmoker. "So Many Colors: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp17382)". Jun 14, 2005.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
First off, I am a heavy marijuana user, it's just my choice substance. In my opinion, that is the only drug people should do on a regular basis, but don't let that change how you feel. Being very open minded, I soon wanted to try new experiences. After hearing several positive reports on mushroom trips from a few buddies of mine, I decided to try them for myself.

Me and a friend who had tripped many times before arrived at my house about 4:00 in the afternoon. We had originally come to my house to get stoned, but it seemed that today would hold a surprise for me. Waiting at home for me was my older sister who had recently returned from a trip to the city. After a short story about what she had been doing there, she got excited and seemed to remember something cool. She soon produced a bad of dried stuff that I had never seen before, obviously my friend had as his eyes lit up like lightbulbs, SHROOMS!!! was all he said. At first we didn't think she was going to give us any, but soon after ordering a pizza, she decided to test the shrooms on us. I really don't know why, but that's what she did, so anywayz we ate the pizza, but not before smoking some marijuana to get us a good high so we could enjoy some good pizza, we added 2g each of mushrooms to the pizza we ate while my sister watched and waited. All I remember before the shrooms kicked in was her asking how we felt like every 10 minutes. After about 45 minutes, convinced that they weren't working, my sister left us to our business of getting high and such.

Right after smoking a last bowl of weed, I began to dislike the lights in the room and tryed to focus on my friend who was hogging my PS2 at the time, obviously he was feeling something too because I remember he really sucked at whatever he was playing. I sat and watched him as the effects intensified and the room I noticed seemed different, but I really couldn't figure out how, like I had been put in a different room that looked almost exactly the same, with small differences. My friend looked at me and he asked if I felt anything, at that point his face started flowing down like it was stretching and he started laughing which made it worse.

To top it off two of my other friends came over and one of which was hyped up on some sorta crap. He proceeded to torment me by saying that I had phone calls and handing me the phone that wasn't on to watch me go Hello? Hello? for like 5 minutes. For some reason I couldn't seem to stop doing it, well really fed up with that kid, I decided to go outside with my first friend (The tripping one) to escape the annoyance that was making my trip seem very horrible. As soon as I entered outside I noticed that I had some sort of tunnel vision, along with a high metalic ringing in my ears. Most things assumed a different color, and trees and building started to it seem sway back and forth, everything seemed so clear and beautiful that all I could do was stare in awe at everthing around me, for the whole rest of the trip we stayed outside, it didn't intensify too much after that, but put me in a good mood for like a week, I would definitley love to try this again, but something good o for me to remember, not to be around annoying people, people that stress me out, or do anything that makes me uncomfortable, it just plain ruins it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2005Views: 5,045
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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