Out of Psyche, Out of Mind
Mushrooms - P. Cubensis
Citation:   even22even. "Out of Psyche, Out of Mind: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. Cubensis (exp17917)". Erowid.org. Jul 21, 2005. erowid.org/exp/17917

3.0 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
One night me and a cousin decided to get some shrooms and hang out and this is more or less the experience I had. It's written in kind of an essay form because I used it as a report in my college composition class (the only thing I left out of the paper was the fact that I took some shrooms first). so here it is:

Out of Psyche, Out of Mind

One night, late in spring, I sat in my yard staring off into space in deep thought. I was thinking about the nature of the way people view things. We all have eyes evolutionarily designed to see what’s in front of us. We can look straight into sky and see the moon, the sun, and the stars. We can stare into the horizon and see buildings that reach to the clouds, and look around us and see thousands of people rushing around in their cars. We can see everything happening around us, and to us. I realized that we could see nearly anything with our eyes except ourselves. We have no way of seeing ourselves or the things we do without using predisposition. We each have an ego, or an already set self image of ourselves that that we live by. This can very easily cloud one’s self-judgment.

As I realized this and began to accept it as a truthful notion it was almost as if I happened to bump right into myself. Not the same self that looks back at me in the mirror every morning, but a self that presented to me a new attitude or vantage point of things. It was a self that felt very familiar to me, but one that had not been visited in quite some time. For a moment it felt as if time stood completely still. I took in a deep breath and felt a strong sense of tranquility. It felt as if I stepped outside of myself and was feeling a separate consciousness than what I had felt before.

At first I physically felt nothing, my body was numb from head to toe. I was looking at everything through a new pair of eyes. Everything in front of me began to melt and twist together into a whole, losing all individuality. Every action, every thought, everything in general, all became one large manifestation. I saw everything not only for what it appeared to me, but for what it was in part of the manifestation. The earth itself felt as if it were a single organism acting within itself.

I began to come deeply in tune with my surroundings. I began to feel as if I could feel the different types of energy of the people surrounding me. It was more than just reading facial expressions and reading body language, I felt as if I could tune myself into peoples emotions or feelings as if they were my own.

I perceived that there was no separateness among things. Everything was of one essence, and every being was only one small part that made up the essence. Every person individually was only an interpretation of what the essence was or could be, each person with his or her own comprehension of the word life. Every thought and action I depicted slowly reformed and shaped the essence into something new. I realized that the essence and us were of one mind, and were coexistent with each other. This gave me the feeling that we were a part of something much more than ourselves.

I saw the never-ending path of evolution that the essence traveled, and I saw each of us as its stepping stones. I saw that the path we had built was so broad that it would take an eternity to try to travel it. I envisioned the endless amount of possibilities and directions within the path and witnessed the trails that connected them to each other. Some of the paths I came across were old, and dark, while on the other hand, some of paths were freshly paved, and brightly lit. I had stepped outside the confinements of the earth and was seeing things from a worldly view.

I had a strong sense duality and contradiction towards myself. It was nearly impossible for me to make concrete observations of things, because it seemed as if I was trying to see everything from every point of view possible. I felt that everything had a sort of flowing balance that I had to try to keep sacred. I felt that at the time I wasn’t there to place any type of judgment, but to absorb, and try to comprehend everything that was happening around me.

When I stepped back into myself I saw the world with a new set of eyes. As I looked around I saw everything for the first time again. A new fresh breath of life had been thrust through my lungs. An entirely new sensation had overcome me and its effects had me at a stand still, just looking at this complex system we call living. I found my self for an instant in a sea of endless existence.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 17917
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2005Views: 5,038
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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