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Wrong Preparation & Too Much
Citation:   Glenn Wilson. "Wrong Preparation & Too Much: An Experience with Datura (exp1820)". Jun 14, 2000.

  oral Datura (tea)
I had my first experience with her (Datura) in 10th grade or so. I made some very dangerous mistakes. I had no idea at the time the proper use of it so I figured 'Why not Make a tea just like shrooms'. Anyway I mashed the flowers and stems into a boiling pot of water and let simmer for a while. Then I started to think, 'Well maybe I should put the apples in as well.' So I took about 4 or five of the apples and put them in a blender until they were mush. Then I added them to the boiling brew. When I figured it was ready, I poured about two cups in a big gulp cup and gussled it down. About twenty minutes later I felt my face get really hot, everything turned and then I just went to sleep. I woke up late the next afternoon, which I thought was strange since I dosed at about 1 the previous afternoon and figured I had fallen asleep around 3 pm at the latest. Anyway a few years later I was speaking with a pharmacalogist friend, and told him of the experience. He told me that I prepared it wrong, drank too much of it, and should have died or at least been clinicaly brain dead after such a dosage. I guess she liked me.

Exp Year: 1992ExpID: 1820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 5,057
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Datura (15) : General (1), Alone (16)

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