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Blasted Off to Another Dimension
by DeDe
Citation:   DeDe. "Blasted Off to Another Dimension: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp18336)". Jul 10, 2019.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I've noticed that when I do the Hawaiians, the experience is different every time. One day it might be a moderate experience, and as I found out recently, the next day might blow me away. I ground up the dried mushrooms into a powder using a coffee grinder, and then placed them into 5 capsules for consumption (this has been the best way to do it by far, because I get all of the plant material).

I took them at 7:30 PM, and around 9PM the effects started to come on as normal (a little uneasy feeling, and slight nausea).

At 9:30 PM I was definitely tripping, but it wasn't overwhelming. Colors brighter, things moving, and a few hallucination of things that weren't there.

10PM I was blasted into another dimension or universe. Luckily my friend was over and he knew what I was experiencing.
Luckily my friend was over and he knew what I was experiencing.
To any normal person I would have been thought to be insane at that time. The world was my oyster. I could manipulate my surroundings, pushing and pulling the walls to go where ever I wanted them too. Occasionally there would be a small earthquake and I would have to steady myself. This was the first time I had ever tripped so hard that every sense (touch, sight, taste, hearing, and smelling) was tripping. I questioned everything in this reality, because my entire body reacted to my hallucinations. If a vortex opened in the floor, I invariably would be sucked into it. I think that if I hadn't been an experienced tripper, I would have freaked out on it. There were lots of audio hallucination (things slowing down or speeding up, occasional music and people talking to me), time was of no concern to me, because a minute seemed to take an hour, and an hour sometimes flew by... I just gave up looking at the clock, it was pointless. I saw a lot of aliens and arms wrapping around everything. It almost felt like the earth was cradling me. Very calming.

I felt as though the universe shared with me its every secret. I understood fully how the universe worked, and my place in it. I conquered my fear of death that night. I am at total peace now with everything.

The advice I followed was to just give in to it, not try to stop it or whatever... just let my mind go. And I kept in mind that no matter how hard I tripped, I would be normal again in just a few hours. It's all good! And I made sure to have someone sober around. Even an experienced tripper needs a babysitter sometimes.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18336
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 583
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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